Mallard Quacks
Mallard Quacks
"Trevor Mallard's poll-driven five-year moratorium on school closures is a classic symptom of a man in panic mode," says Peter Osborne, Libertarianz Spokesman for Education Deregulation. "He's cracked under pressure. He could help Labour's poll ratings even more by getting the hell out of the way of those few schools who would still prefer to pursue excellence, despite the latest fashionable thinking from the Ministry and the teacher unions."
Osborne says that the drastic redesigning of the education sector over the last few years has been a wonder for proponents of full State control, but devastating to the development of New Zealand's young minds. "The state's factory schools have become bogged down in a plethora of levies, taxes, qualifications confusion, politically correct curricula, and an endless list of compliance conundra. It has reduced our teaching standards to nothing short of pathetic, and our school-leavers to shallow, unemployable automatons - a whole generation of state-worshipping little Labour voters."
"The truth is," continues Osborne, "that Mallard couldn't give two hoots as to whether these schools are closed down or not as long as central control of all schools remains. The fact that these schools will remain open only means that his quest for mind control will be a bit less efficient than he would have liked. It does not mean it has ceased."
Mr Osborne concludes, "This is a clear example of why education must be free of political interference. The Ministry of Education must be wiped out. Educators should be free to do their jobs, answerable only to pupils and parents - not to the NZEI, to the Ministry, nor to Mr Mallard. Tax should no longer be confiscated to pay for the social-conditioning centres currently on offer. If a provider is to collapse in a free market environment it will be because they weren't up to the mark and not because they were forced out by a self-serving politician."
Libertarianz: More Freedom - Less Government
For more information contact: Peter Osborne LIBERTARIANZ SPOKESMAN TO DEREGULATE EDUCATION Phone: 0274 326 005, e-mail: