PMEA: People Put Marian Hobbs on Notice
PMEA: People Put Marian Hobbs on Notice
Members of the People's Moratorium Enforcement Agency (PMEA) served Marian Hobbs with notice today at her Wellington Electorate Office that any approval of field trials for GE onions will result in regulatory action by that agency.
'Onions are a staple food for most of us. The economic argument for the field trials of GE onions before ERMA right now rests on the entire New Zealand onion crop being genetically engineered. This makes a complete mockery of the Government's so-called 'co-existence' strategy. If everyone has to grow GE, where is the choice?' said PMEA member Felicity Perry
'New Zealanders
simple do not want GE in our food or environment. We demand
that the Government extend the moratorium. If they don't, we
will be forced to take action. As responsible citizens, this
is the only thing we can do. There is no way that we will
let this stuff go into the ground.'