"Save Bill" petition launched - Young Labour
26th October 2003
Media Release - Young Labour
"Save Bill" petition launched - Young Labour
"We want Bill English to stay as National Party Leader - and we're doing our bit to help," said Young Labour President Michael Wood this morning, launching a petition on the subject.
Young Labour has launched a "Save Bill English" petition in response to Saturday's announcement that finance spokesperson Don Brash is to challenge Bill English for National's leadership next week.
The petition can be found at www.petitiononline.com/savebill/petition.html
"National has been running petitions every time that something is about to happen that it doesn't like, so we thought we would do the same," says Michael Wood.
"Young Labour strongly urges all responsible people to sign this petition. Mr. English is the best leader National has had in ages, and we hope that he maintains his grip on the leadership for many years to come."
"Among his achievements are National's worst ever election result, an opposition that can be relied on to contradict itself fortnightly, and an intellectually stunted, inward looking world view that is utterly alienating to most young people," says Wood.
"Bill English has played a key role in that "success" and we want him to keep on doing it."
"We are hopeful that all reasonable people will as such understand why it is important to sign this petition. While Bill English remains leader, National doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning office. Let's keep him there," Wood says.
"Frankly, we are worried that 63 year old Don Brash's racy and progressive image will pull in a big chunk of the youth vote."
"Much as I like Tarantino films, this isn't a time to "Kill Bill" - he needs saving, fast," concludes Wood.
Contact: Michael Wood (President)
027 471 9261
Sign the petition!