GE - Death of Labour Government
GE - Death of Labour Government
The Mild Greens agree with hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who will never forgive Labour for selling out to GE corporate contamination.
Whether the technology is safe or not, on principle we object to:
1/. the reckless sacrifice of NZ’s ‘clean green’ geographical marketing advantage, and
2/. the arrogant way Clark and co. are ignoring the vocal public sentiment against the pending GE moratorium lift, and
3/. the pandering to American cultural imperialism.
"Why take the risk?" ask the Mild Greens, “and why alienate so many voters??”
The Mild greens say that Helen Clark may take her 2002 election result as a mandate but the dynamic of public discontent with Labour is swinging - with a significant 6% drop in the party's popularity in last week's TV3 poll.
And venturing where few political analysts will go, the Mild Greens suggest that Government’s suicidal position on GE is inextricably linked to Labour's comparably ‘homicidal’ stance on DRUG-related harm minimisation.
“Clark’s determination to appease US interests has already cost NZ the benefit of the Green Party as a common-sense coalition support partner – and resulted in an insidious capitulation to the United Future ‘drug hysteria’ mentality (with the coalition support bottom line: "no legislation to alter the legal status of cannabis’)."
A responsible and truly autonomous government would exercise the precautionary principle – against the toxic US imperialist GE invasion, and against the rampant effect of WarOnDrugs-hysteria and black-market milking by law enforcement and major media.
Instead of GE, the use of hemp (minimising pesticides)for products such as packaging and bio-fuel would greatly strengthen NZ’s economic and environmental position, just as the regulation and normalisation of marijuana will put Kiwis back in control of public health, law and order.
Clark could have been a
great Prime Minister say the Mild Greens. But alas, on her
current track, history will remember her as yet another
two-term pretender, slave to United States corruption, and
traitor to the public and environmental good.