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Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter #45

Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter #45

Website Contact details: Forums - John Minto, (09) 8456155; Newsletter Editor - Mike Treen 0212547440 / 3616989 Web page - Geraldine Peters (09) 3765994 Donations can be sent to GPJA, Private Bag 68905, Newton, Auckland. All communication regarding the GPJA mailing list (email or snail) should be addressed to

Dear friends,

This Saturday there will be an important protest to mark the international day of action against corporate globalisation and war. The decision of the NZ government to send troops to Iraq at the end of this month to support the US/UK occupation of Iraq deserves special condemnation. We will rally outside the US consulate from 11am. A poster can be downloaded from

Apologies to those on the GPJA list who got a message with an attachment recently. It is our policy not to send out anything with an attachment.

Because of a double booking the even commemorating the 30th anniversary of the coup in Chile this Friday, September 12, has been moved to the St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby.

Jane Kelsey will be in Cancun at the time of the WTO Ministerial meeting (10-14 September). The Arena website will have twice daily updates from her on developments inside and outside the meetings. The updates will include information from the Via Campesina indigenous and peasant farmers forum; Meeting on Workers and Globalisation; Formal WTO ministerial meeting; The agriculture negotiations; International seminar on bilateral and regional negotiations; mass marches and the day of action against the WTO. The Arena website is at:

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Sense prevails. Waitakere's Mayor has withdrawn his complaint to the Race Relations Commissioner about veteran activist Margaret Jones.

More helpers are needed. Get involved in the GPJA organising committee. Next meeting this Monday, September 15, 7.30pm at the Unite Office, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd.


TAKE 5: Take 5 has one simple objective - to get Helen Clark and the New Zealand Government to slow down on releasing GE into our environment by extending the GE moratorium for 5 years. To make Take 5 successful we need at least a million votes. That's where YOU come in. To achieve this we need you to forward this email to at least 5 Kiwis no matter where in the world they live. If YOU have just received this email, here is how to vote and Take 5. If you live in New Zealand simply TXT your name and suburb or town to 8642. If you live outside New Zealand or don't have access to a TXT capable mobile phone then visit and click on baby Gracie to vote. Remember to vote for the whole family as there is no age restriction. If you are pregnant, you can vote for your unborn too by using 'pregnant' as the first name.

After you have voted please forward this email or the reply TXT to at least 5 Kiwis - preferably your entire whole address book! New Zealand is a clean green oasis in the Pacific, let's keep it that way. The power is in YOUR hands. Use it or lose it. Thank you for your support, Greg Menendez and Lisa Er.Take 5 Campaign Organisers.

P.S. If you live in New Zealand we would prefer if you voted by TXTing. Each TXT costs 50c of which some comes back to Take 5 to help advertise the campaign. Take 5 is non-political and non-profit. Any profit left over will be donated to child charities. Take 5 seconds to TXT, Take 5 minutes to tell 5 friends, Take 5 years on GE to be sure.

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF QPEC, Saturday 13th September 2003, Education House, Willis Street, Wellington from 10am - 3pm to discuss and develop a plan of action to put public education issues at the centre of government attention. This meeting is a follow-up to the QPEC "Reclaim Public Education Conference" held last month in Palmerston North. For more details about the conference visit the QPEC Website at and check the Conference themes. . All welcome!

Hamilton - Children's Peace Fair - "Kids Helping Kids - Children under 12 yrs. selling preloved toys, swap cards, crafts, etc. profits in aid of Save the Children Fund - Iraq. Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge, The Plaza, 10am-2pm Wed. 24 Sept. Patricia Waugh, 4 Louise Place, Hamilton. Tel: 07 856 1001 email


Friday, September 12, 7pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby "The other September 11 - Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the coup in Chile" Nine eleven seventy three 091173: Memorial for Chile. A remembrance event for the victims of the military coup of 1973. The bloody coup was foster and financed by the CIA, Mr Nixon and Henry Kissinger and lead to the destruction of a long standing democracy in South America and to thousand of deaths, torture and disappearances. Poetry, Music, and an exclusive video interview with President Salvador Allende (1972). A documentary by Saul Landau. Special guest: Keith Lock MP Green Party. This event is part of the international commemoration activities of the 30th Anniversary of the Coup Justice Now!! Trial and Punishment!! No to impunity!!

Friday, September 12, 7pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. Public meeting: A broad range of speakers will address the question of organising to defeat the Auckland Regional Councils (ARC) unjust and undemocratic rates increase. All welcome! For more information contact 634 3984 or e-mail

Friday, September 12, 7pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. Ratepayers Rebellion public meeting, a broad range of speakers will address the question of organising to defeat the Auckland Regional Councils (ARC) unjust and undemocratic rates increase; for more info contact tel (09) 634 3984 or e-mail

Saturday, September 13, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby 'A way to justice and peace: from an Asian feminist perspective', and 'Scripture in the context of cultures: biblical spirituality for today', two seminars with Judette Galleres, Professor of Biblical Studies, Manila, and Cenacle Sister, Philippines/Singapore region; 10am to 12 noon - 'Scripture in the context of cultures', 1pm to 3pm - way to justice and peace'; at the Admission free, but please enrol to ensure a place. Organised by the Catholic Institute of Theology, for more info contact tel (09) 379 6424 or email

Saturday, September 13, 11am, US Consulate, Customs St, Downtown International day of action against corporate globalisation and war. "From September 10 to 14, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will hold its Fifth Ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Pushed by multinational corporations, the United States, the European Union, and other developed countries are seeking to launch a new round of 'free trade' negotiations and expand corporate globalisation - further eroding human rights, workers' rights, environmental protections, and democracy - in the interest of corporate control. Popular movements in Mexico and their international allies will mark these meetings with massive demonstrations to demand a world that puts democracy and human dignity ahead of corporate profits. Solidarity actions around the world will focus on September 13 as a Worldwide Day of Action Against Corporate Globalisation and War." Another world is possible - "We have before us a choice: the world of militarism and corporate globalisation, or a world built on global solidarity, rooted in a foundation of democracy, dignity, sustainability, and cooperation." For more info see United for Peace

Sunday September 14, 2pm, Mangere People's Centre Hall, 366 Massey Rd, Mangere (beside the Mangere East Library) Launch of "ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT" is a major new housing report that shows while the current property boom may be good news for homeowners, one in five New Zealand families is facing housing-related problems, such as unaffordable rents, overcrowding and poor quality housing. Meanwhile, the government is hiding its indifference to their plight behind misleading Housing New Zealand statistics. Speakers include the Deputy Mayor of Manukau Anne Candy, Pasifika hip hop poet Rev Mua Strickson-Pua, Manurewa community board chair Sister Anne Hurley and Otara community worker Joanna Fuimaono. For more information about Room for Improvement, contact Alan Johnson: 266 5528, 025 79 1958 For more stories about the consequences of poor housing on children's health, contact Dr Nikki Turner: 3737999, 021 790 693, For more information about the launch of Room for Improvement contact Janet McAllister: ph 363-5503 Child Poverty Action Group, P O Box 56-150, Dominion Rd, Auckland.

Monday, September 15, 7.30pm, Unite Office, Trades Hall, 147 great North Rd GPJA ORGANISING COMMITTEE meeting. All welcome.

Monday 15th September at 6.30pm, Rialto Cinema, Newmarket A WEDDING IN RAMALLAH Sherine Salama, Australia, 2002. M offensive language Even in the midst of intense political conflicts people try to get on with their lives. So it is with Mariam and Bassam, a Palestinian couple who met during the comparatively peaceful summer of 2000. This wonderfully observant film follows their relationship from courtship, to marriage and beyond. This charming film says much about love, courtship and the roles of women and men in Palestinian society, while touching on the problems the Palestinians have with the Other: the Jews that control their lives. Marc Glassman, Hotdocs 2002 (More at

Door sales to the public at $10 are available or you can join Auckland film society by purchasing a 2003 card for $25, which gives free entry to any three screenings in our 2003 Season.

For details, phone 817 9362 or visit our website,

Monday, September 15, 5-45pm to 7pm, Staff room, Centre for Language and Languages, 2nd floor, A block, Auckland College of Education, Epsom (entrance via Gate 3 at 74 Epsom Avenue -Human Rights Network Auckland meeting; the car parks are readily available as staff leave around 5-30pm). For more info, contact email

Wednesday, September 17, 7pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn "The crisis facing the NZ health system and solutions needed" Open forum sponsored by Central Auckland Alliance Party. Contact 3763780.

Wednesday, September 17, 7.30pm, Western Springs Garden Complex, 990 Great North Rd, Western Springs PUBLIC MEETING ON DETENTION OF AHMED ZAOUI Speakers include: Paul Buchanan (Auckland University), Bishop Robin Leamy SM, Amnesty International, Umarji Mohammed & Reps of the Algerian Community. Ahmed Zaoui is a democratically elected member of the Algerian parliament who was forced to flee Algeria following a military takeover. He arrived in NZ seeking safety and justice, instead he has spent nine months in solitary confinement without being charged and despite being officially declared to be a refugee - he may yet be returned to Algeria where he faces torture and death. Organised by Friends of Ahmed Zaoui, for more info contact email For more info about Ahmed Zaoui, check out

Ongoing to 4 October, Awha ka Uta." At Te Taumata Gallery, 124 Symonds Street, City. 'Te Waiora E' - Environmental Justice and the Sustenance of Traditional Maori Cultures, an "exhibition by 5 artists from Kawerau who are standing up against huge multinational corporations in defence of the waters and the earth we all share. Representing the tribal areas of Te Arawa, Ngati Awa, Tuwharetoa -Ki-Kawerau and Tuhoe, they have created an art exhibition that challenges Maori and NZ citizens to protect the seas, rivers and other waters contained within the land of Aotearoa. Te Waiora E will also feature at this year's Maori Expo on September 11 alongside John Miller's photographic installation, For more info contact Mere Takoko, tel (09) 358 0608 or email


WTO Don't let big business rule the world No Surprises: Repeat Offending, De Ja Vu and the WTO, By Aziz Choudry The worst of times - In the first of a three-part series on trade, George Monbiot argues that the rich world's brutal diplomacy is worsening the plight of poor nations,5673,1033833,00.html Why a derailed WTO ministerial is the best outcome for the south, by Walden Bello Say nn at WTO, Venezuela tells developing nations

MEDIA Protest at sacking of NZ Herald cartoonist Malcolm Evans Issues regarding my dismissal from the New Zealand Herald. A personal message from Malcolm NZ-borne children's author faces Zionist groups wrath Tale of boy's life in West Bank prompts pressure groups to call for withdrawal,2763,1028075,00.html New media journal makes debut in NZ The lonliness of Noam Chomsky, by Arundhati Roy

UN ROLE Beware the bluewash - The UN must not let itself be used as a dustbin for failed American adventures, George Monbiot,3604,1029147,00.html

NORTH KOREA The end of North Korea

USA ANTIWAR A soldier in Iraq wonders how many more must die?’ America’s Haul Of Shame Last week at the Venice Film Festival Tim Robbins said Hollywood’s rejection of him and his wife Susan Sarandon for their anti-war views had rallied liberals to the cause of free speech. Here he explains why conscientious Americans must not let conservative politicians and media silence them

UK Intelligence chief: Dossier exaggerated the case for war

IRAQ Occupied Iraq will n ever know peace, Tariq Ali "War Makes Privatization Easy". In Iraq, Labor Protest is a Crime Number of Wounded in Action on Rise Iraq Toll Reflects Medical Advances, Resistance Troops Face Counting the bodies Deepening doubts on Iraq,1,6983018.story Bush pals hired to rewrite Iraqi laws,2763,1032312,00.html

THE WAR ON DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS Naomi Klein - A deadly franchise: The global war on terror is a smokescreen used by governments to wipe out opponents,5673,1030656,00.html On the record - "Big brother is watching you"

NUCLEAR POISONING Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

PALESTINE/ISRAEL A Failed Israeli Society Collapses While Its Leaders Remain Silent by Avraham Burg, speaker of Israel's Knesset from 1999 to 2003 and a former chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. He is currently a Labor Party Knesset member Orr Panel’ Finds Decades Israeli Discrimination

CUBA Revolution revisited: Cuba isn't perfect - but it is living proof that it is possible for a third world country to combat poverty, disease and illiteracy , Brian Wilson MP,11983,1030632,00.html Radio Havana interviews Noam Chomsky

GE FOOD This is an absolutely critical time for the GE debate. The NZ Herald revealed last weekend that New Zealanders are strongly against lifting the moratorium on releasing GE. Their poll showed that 69 percent want to keep the moratorium in place after October. The Herald wants to know why you think the GE ban should be lifted or not. This is a rare chance to contribute to the GE debate in the media, so take the opportunity. Speak out and be heard. Email your views to: GE Food: A biological time bomb GM foods: unloved, unwanted and a rush to grow crops could cause civil unrest. Minsters try to put gloss on bleak view from strategy unit. Paul Brown, environment correspondent,3604,996704,00.html

Polls show GE-Free status has huge support The Sustainability Council last week released a Colmar-Brunton poll showing 70 percent of people support New Zealand’s food production remaining GE-Free. Even in the US, the main producer of GE crops, barely more than one-third of people in a recent ABC News poll think GE crops are safe to eat. The US Government is against labelling GE food, but the poll found that 92 percent of the public wanted GE labels. A majority of US consumers would use labels to avoid buying GE food: 57 percent said they would be less likely to buy food labelled as GE, whereas 52 percent would be more likely to buy organic food.

NUCLEAR WAR It Really Is The Pits - Bush's New WMD Facility By Christopher Paine Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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