Clark legitimates invasion of Iraq

Published: Mon 14 Jul 2003 05:12 PM
Clark legitimates invasion of Iraq
‘Helen Clark’s statements at the Progressive Governance Conference in London this weekend legitimated the illegal invasion of Iraq by British and US forces.’ said Peace Action Wellington spokesperson Valerie Morse
Clark said that British Prime Minister Tony Blair was acting on accurate intelligence when the invasion was launched. However, even a superficial investigation of the documents, which indicated that Iraq was attempting to buy nuclear material from Africa, shows they were clearly very suspect to begin with.
‘That the United States and the UK are willing to launch a pre-emptive war on false, ‘sexed-up’ or manufactured evidence is extremely alarming. Helen Clark is attempting to re-ingratiate herself and the Labour Party with Blair’s government by signalling that Blair was acting in good faith.’ Ms. Morse commented.
However, the United States and the United Kingdom were unwilling to extend any good faith to Iraq despite the pleadings of the United Nations Weapons Inspectors and the world community. There is yet to be any confirmation of any weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Peace Action Wellington is calling on the New Zealand Labour Party to renounce the so-called ‘War on Terrorism’ and rescind its offer of troops for Iraq.

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