Another Beehive Tax Scam
Another Beehive Tax Scam
"Welcome to the Age of Crap," says Libertarianz spokesman Mike Webber about the government's new 'fart tax.' "This new tax is not just impossible to satirise, it is alsoanother grab for our wallets by our supposed servants - the politicians - who in a short time have raised total tax from 20% of G.N.P. to over 50%. This has lowered our standard of living from third to twenty seventh in the world."
The Kyoto Protocol, he says, "has given politicians a new opportunity for public theft. It will cost us all dearly and will seriously lower our standard of living even further, as well as putting thousands out of work."
He snorts at the claim that global warming is happening because of a build up of human-generated CO2. "This derisory claim has been thoroughly debunked," he says."Total annual human contributions to greenhouse gases account for only about 0.3% of the greenhouse effect. Solar activity, cloud cover and the polar ice caps - not human activity - is the dominant influence on global temperature fluctuations."
Webber continues by pointing out that earth history studies show that climate change is in fact normal: ice sheets expand and contract, usually spending about 90,000 years expanding (ice age) and 10,000 years contracting (inter-glacial). "Geologically speaking, we are in one of the warmer interglacial periods. Speaking philosophically however, we are in a period of increasing bullshit. This is definitely the Age of Crap."
"There are now many people whose perks, power and prestige depend on keeping the global warming hoax alive," he observes, "not to mention the billions of governmental dollars flowing out to thousands of eager recipients. Conferences in attractive cities around the world, committee meetings in high-priced resort hotels, fame, fortune and fast words - it's a great lifestyle and a happening career for a growing number of scientists, bureaucrats and politicians."
"Unfortunately," he concludes, "it is all paid for by the hapless tax victim. Us!"