You'll Get It, Pay for It, Bloody-well like it!
Maharey: 'You'll Get It, Pay for It, And Bloody-well
like it!'
"$40,000,000 of our money spent on TASS T.V. programmes is only half as ridiculous as the reason Maharey gives for doing so", said Libertarianz Spokesman Russell Watkins.
Maharey says the money is intended' commission and screen programmes for a wider range of New Zealanders than would be possible if only commercial considerations were taken into account.' Watkins clarifies Maharey's sleight-of-hand: "Commercially-aware, profit-motivated broadcasters are in fact playing shows that people actually want to watch; Maharey wants to put his hand into our pocket to pay for shows that he wants us to watch instead. What a bloody nerve!"
"The only proper thing that Broadcasting Minister Maharey and his unemployable hangers-on should do is to ready all state broadcasting outfits like TVNZ., National Socialist Radio, and BCL for sale to the highest bidder; then he and the rest of the bums in his office can go get proper jobs", Watkins concluded. "I point him to today's Libertarianz alternative budget to see the sort of sums such a sale might realise."
[The 'Libertarianz Alternative Budget, 2003' ia available for download from the new-look Libertarianz website at]