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PMA what’s on where listings

PMA what’s on where listings


~ Reminder - Peace Brigades International (PBI) is currently seeking volunteers for the Indonesia Project - you need to apply as soon as possible as the training Project (9-19 August in Victoria, Australia) will fill up fast. PBI is a unique grassroots, non-partisan human rights organisation that maintains international teams of volunteers in areas of conflict around the world. For over twenty years, PBI has worked to protect the lives of individuals, organisations and communities threatened with human rights abuses and political repression. On request, PBI volunteers provide nonviolent protective accompaniment for local human rights workers, trade unionists, indigenous activists, church leaders, and communities who live and work amid extreme political violence and repression. PBI volunteers literally walk beside them. Acting as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the global community and backed up by an international support network, PBI’s protective accompaniment allows local activists to continue their work for peace. It is challenging, demanding but crucial work. By being there, PBI volunteers are literally ‘making space for peace’. For more information and to find out how to get hold of an application form, please contact PBI Aotearoa/NZ, Peter Watson, tel (06) 345-0634 or email

~ International Days of Action Against War - there are currently no international days of action as such scheduled; national events in the US and Britain are: * 17 May * National Rally for Palestine in Central London, Organised by Palestinian Solidarity Campaign see * 17 - 18 May * US National Conference against War, Colonial Occupation and Imperialism, in New York City, organised by the ANSWER Coalition * 31 May * US National Teach-In on Iraq, Preemptive War and Democracy - a national day of education and action in Washington, DC. Organised by United for Peace and Justice

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~ THURS, 15 May - International Conscientious Objectors' Day, for information about the day see This year’s focus is on conscientious objection in Israel and non-violent resistance to the occupation of Palestine, see

~ SAT, 24 May - International Women’s Day for Disarmament

*** NATIONAL ***

~ THURS, 22 May to THURS, 29 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: national speaking tour by Fatima Mahfoud, a representative of the Saharawi people, who will be telling the story of the Western Sahara conflict from a Saharawi woman's point of view. She will share her experiences of life in the refugee camps where her people have been living in unbearable conditions for 26 years whilst their families remain trapped in the territories occupied by Morocco where they suffer human rights abuses. Fatima will also be speaking about the role of women in Saharawi Society - women are respected and acknowledged as playing significant leadership roles in Saharawi society. In particular they are crucial to the effective functioning of the refugee camps, there are women ministers and many women in senior positions within the structures of the government who have power and authority; literacy rates are the highest in Africa. For local details see listings below for * Auckland, 22 May * Hamilton, 23 May * Dunedin, 24 May * Christchurch, 26 and 27 May * Wellington, 29 May. For more info about the national speaking tour, contact email More information about Western Sahara is available at and If you can help with a donation to meet the costs of bringing Fatima here, please send your cheque (payable to WILPF, Auckland Branch), to Fatima Mahfud tour, WILPF Auckland, PO Box 47-189, Ponsonby, Auckland.

~ June - the Proceedings from the National Peace Workshops 2003 (held 9 to 11 May in Christchurch) will be available by mid June. If you registered for the National Peace Workshops, you will be sent a copy automatically; if you weren’t able to attend, we’ll let you know how you can get a copy of the Proceedings when they are ready for distribution.

~ 4 and 5 July - Proposed National Day of Action against US economic and military dominance - Peace Action Wellington brought a proposal to the National Peace Workshops that 4 July (US Independence Day) or 4 and 5 July (to include the Saturday) be National Days of Action against US economic and military dominance, with the general themes (at this stage) of whose independence? - US independence at whose expense? - independence for all. In the cities with a US military or diplomatic presence, protest will be mainly focussed around that. In towns and cities with neither of those, then around a symbolic or actual example of US imperialism, KFC, McDonalds, a petrol station ... Or you could use the day/s to educate around independence, what does it mean for Aotearoa / NZ, what kind of independence do we want, what positive alternatives are there to corporate globalisation ... whatever you like! More details in the next ‘what’s on where’ listings.

~ Ongoing - Not in Our Name (Aotearoa / New Zealand) - War without end? not in our name ... at

~ Ongoing - Buy USA? No Way! Boycott US brands, we can help peace every time we go into a shop and we can choose where to spend our money. We can send a message to Bush and his band of bullies that is strong and clear and effective. For more info check out Spend for Peace Boycott at

***** LOCAL *****


~ THURS, 15 May - John Minto speaks about the General Agreement on Trade and Services (the latest attempt at a MAI-type agreement) followed by questions and discussion, tea, coffee and biscuits; 7-30pm in the Supper Room, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn. Donations to cover costs accepted, organised by Epsom-Tamaki Alliance branch, for more info contact Julie tel (09) 620 9256 or email

~ FRI, 16 May - 'Crumbs or Commitment: what’s on the menu for children?' a post-budget breakfast - carve up your breakfast while sharp-witted speakers dissect the 2003 government budget; incisive commentary with Maori perspectives on child health, education, family support and housing. From 7-30am to 8-45am, Old Government House, Waterloo Quadrant. Presented by the Child Poverty Action Group, in association with the University of Auckland Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care and the Institute of Public Policy. Tickets $20, please RSVP to email before Friday May 9, send cheques to CPAG, PO Box 56-150, Mt Eden, Auckland - tickets and receipts will be available at the breakfast.

SUN, 18 May - Open day on the British Royal Navy Frigate HMS Marlborough, recently "re-tasked by the UK Government to support coalition forces taking military action to liberate Iraq and secure Weapons of Mass Destruction." "The Commanding Officer, Captain Mark Anderson stated ... The purpose of our visit to New Zealand is very much to cement the historically strong bond between our two Nations. We look forward to completing a number of official functions during our stay and feel privileged by the opportunity to make new friends in a country I have long yearned to visit. I do hope that the local people will take the opportunity afforded by the ship being open to the public to come along and say hello, we look forward to meeting them and welcoming them on board." (quotes from NZ Defence Force press release). Open day hours are 10am to 3pm.

~ SUN, 18 May - Human Rights Benefit Concert: Artists for Amnesty International, featuring Jackie Clarke, Miranda Adams, Jonathan Besser; with Ensemble Philharmonia, Vivo, Bravura, Tango Tiempo Dancers & more! From 1-30pm, at St Matthew-in-the-City. Tickets $30 / $20, children under 12 free. Tickets from Ticketek or at the church door from 12-30pm, all proceeds to Amnesty International. For more information contact email

~ MON, 19 May - Human Rights Network (Auckland) meeting, 5-45pm to 7pm, in the Staff room, Centre for Language and Languages, 2nd floor, A block, Auckland College of Education, Epsom (entrance via Gate 3 at 74 Epsom Avenue - car parks are readily available as staff leave around 5-30pm). For more info or to add items to the agenda, contact email

~ MON, 19 May - 'IRAQ … what next?' with speakers including Keith Locke MP; Dr Umara, Iraqi member of the Mandaean Religion; and Susie Blowers, Chair of Amnesty New Zealand; 7-30pm in the Lounge Room, St Austells Church, corner Seabrook Road and Margan Avenue, New Lynn. Organised by Amnesty International West Auckland.

~ THURS, 22 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks at 7-30pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact Felicity Coggan tel (09) 579 5707.

~ MON, 26 May - Tamaki Treaty workers meeting, 7-30pm at Pt Chevalier Community House, Huia Street. For more info contact Joan tel (09) 360 8001 or email

~ TUES 27 May - 'WTO and GATS, who needs them and why?', a chance to explore GATS ramifications for all New Zealanders; 7-30pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby. Organised by Human Rights Network (Auckland ), for more info contact Nola Harvey tel (09) 623 8899 x8455 or email or Joan Hardiman tel (09) 377 5541 or email

~ Every week day - anti-war vigil / service with Rev Craig Forbes, 12 noon to 1pm, at the Pitt Street Methodist Church, Newton.

~ Every Wednesday - Direct Anti War Action meeting, supper provided, all welcome! 7-30pm, at Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn. Organised by Direct Anti War Action, for more info contact email

~ Every Saturday - picket at 12 noon, outside the US Consulate, Citibank Building, Customs St East, because the US is still occupying Iraq and killing Iraqis. Organised by Direct Anti War Action, for more info contact email

~ Every Sunday - Silent Peace Vigil, every Sunday from 9-15am to 9-45am, outside the Quaker Meeting House, 115 Mt Eden Rd. All welcome, for more info tel Friends Centre (09) 630 6834.


~ FRI, 23 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks from 10-15am, in Lady Goodfellow Chapel, Gate 1, University of Waikato. Fatima's visit to Hamilton is supported by the Department of Policy, Culture and Social Studies in Education - Tari mö ngä Kaupapa, Tikanga me te Mätauranga Noho Häpori, School of Education, University of Waikato. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact tel (07) 838 4500 x8083.


~ Every Saturday - silent vigil for peace, 9-15am to 9-45am, outside St James Church. For more info contact tel (07) 868 9914, email


~ FRI, 16 May - Peace Brigades International Indonesia Project public meeting - a unique opportunity to come and find out about this innovative peace work, from the people actually involved on the ground in Indonesia, as well as Committee members from several countries. Starts with a potluck meal at 6pm (bring some food to share), then at 7-30pm an introduction to the work of PBI and the Indonesia; at the Friends Settlement, 76 Virginia Road. For more information contact Peter Watson tel (06) 345-0634 or email


~ Every Sunday - Peace Vigil: silent meditation and prayers for world peace, from 5pm to 5-30pm at the Cenotaph, Masterton Park, until the invasion ends. Bring a cushion, candles and flowers if you wish. For more information contact Guusje tel (06) 379 5047.


~ THURS, 15 May - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ FRI, 16 May - 'The War against Iraq, Civil Liberties, The Bush Agenda - where to from here? Starts at 6pm with curry and rice with the video 'Voices from the Streets' by Saul Landau and Sonia Angulo, from 7pm to 8-30pm - discussion lead by Keith Locke, Green MP; at the Brooklyn Resource Centre, 36 Jefferson St, Brooklyn. For further information contact Paul Bruce tel (04) 972 8699 or email

~ SUN, 18 May - Walk for peace! join the 'Health for Life Walk' peace team, entries to join the walk must be in before SUN 11 May, so if you're interested in taking part, please contact Don without delay on tel (04) 972 3298 or email

~ MON, 19 May - 'Students Against the war' meeting, 1pm in Meeting Room 1, Student Union Building. For more info contact Nick Kelly email

~ THURS, 22 May - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ MON, 26 May - 'Students Against the war' meeting, 1pm in Meeting Room 1, Student Union Building. For more info contact Nick Kelly email

~ THURS, 29 May - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ THURS, 29 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks from 5-30pm to 7-30pm, ground floor, Turnbull House, Bowen St. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact Kirsten Forsyth (04) 934 2289.

~ THURS, 29 May - 'Living in the Promised Land', video with action footage of the Palestinian struggle, a Windy film night, 8 pm at Seniors Centre, Mezzanine Floor, Central Library, Victoria Street. For more info contact email

~ SAT, 31 May - Justice and Peace in the Middle East information stall, 11-30am to 1pm in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ Every week day - St Andrew's on The Terrace is offering a quiet space for anyone to participate in offering ecumenical peace vigil. Everyone is invited to share in a quiet meditative time, offering prayers for peace before going to work; from 8am to 8-30am, Monday - Friday. For more info contact email

~ Every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, presented by Don Franks, Victoria Quade and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you'd like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943.

~ Every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ Every Sunday, ‘Peace Report’ on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ FRI, 23 May - 'Global governance and the nation state - what's the connection?' Dr David Chittleborough speaks on changing our political system to realise a more equitable world order; he is an environmental scientist who serves on international environmental bodies and works in the field of social and economic development. Come from 7-30 pm for an 8pm start, at Knox Centre (lounge), 28 Bealey Avenue (corner Bealey Avenue and Papanui Road, next to the Knox Church), free entry, free parking, a light supper will be provided. Sponsored by the NZ Bahai Community, for more info contact email

~ MON, 26 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks from 10-30am to 12 noon, in A6 Lecture Theatre, Canterbury University. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact David Small tel (03) 364 2268.

~ MON, 26 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks at 7-30pm, PEETO, 201 Peterborough St (corner Madras Street). For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact Annalucia Vermunt tel (03) 377 3834.

~ TUES, 27 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks from 12 noon to 1-30pm, in Oak Room, Lincoln University Students Association. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact Linda Persson tel (03) 389 9377.

~ Every day - people of faith and no faith are invited to join us for a half hour prayer service for peace, with prayers from Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities from around the world; 12 noon at St Marks Methodist Church in Somerfield (corner Barrington and Somerfield Streets). For more info contact tel (03) 332 5202 or email

~ Every week day - Peace Sanctuary, all are welcome to pray for peace, be still and quiet, or light a candle, from 12 noon to 2pm, at St Luke’s in the City, Anglican Church, corner Manchester and Kilmore Streets. For more info tel (03) 366 2253.

~ Every Friday - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 4-30pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email

~ Every Saturday - Peace vigil, 12-30pm to 1pm at the Chalice in the Square. For more info contact email or tel (03) 981 2825.


~ Every Friday - prayers for peace, 12 noon at the stone cross outside St Mary's Church, Church St. For more info please contact Nance Hammond tel (03) 684 4608 or email


~ Every day - Candle-light vigil in the Octagon. Gather at 7pm, light candles and catch up then stand in silence between 7-10pm and 7-30pm. Anyone who wants to demonstrate opposition to war in this way is welcome. For more info contact email

~ SAT, 24 May - A Saharawi woman speaks out: Fatima Mahfoud speaks at 5-30pm at a dinner meeting, Age Concern Rooms, The Octagon. For more information see the listing in the National section above, for local meeting contact Marie Laufiso tel (03) 477 3395.

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