State Radio Gets More Loot to Promote the State

Published: Wed 7 May 2003 12:36 AM
Press Release Libertarianz Party Broadcasting
State Radio Gets More Loot to Promote the State
"The nearly $14m increase in loot for state radio announced by the government yesterday will strengthen the reach of the leftwing statism promoted by this Labour/Anderton minority government and its Green mates," declared Libertarianz Communications Spokeman Scott Wilson today.
"For the 85% of New Zealanders who never listen to socialist National Radio and Concert FM, it is more orchestrated theft from them to pay for what they don't like. It is an odd form of 'pay-as-you-listen,'" says Wilson, "since taxpayers are forced to pay for National Radio even as they listen to the private radio stations they overwhelmingly prefer."
"The vacuous ravings of Steve Maharey that because commercial radio is motivated 'entirely by profit' and is therefore 'susceptible to the business interests of their owners and advertisers' completely ignores that Radio New Zealand is motivated entirely by taxpayer funding and is susceptible to political interference," says Wilson.
"And as for needing National Radio for so-called 'balance!'When will you EVER hear a balanced debate on National Radio about whether state-funded broadcasting is a good idea or not?" asks Wilson, rolling his eyes. "When do you ever hear any debate on National Radio about whether the answer to any problem is to abolish regulations, eliminate government involvement, or cut taxes? You don't, because Radio New Zealand is fed entirely from money taken from people who in most cases would not choose to fund it," Wilson exclaimed.
"Radio New Zealand virtually never allows a perspective to be broadcast that challenges the view that the government should solve everyone's problems with other people's money. The fact that most New Zealanders never listen to it means it is another part of chardonnay socialism, where the chattering classes demand that the masses they claim to care about pay for something that the masses don't want."
Wilson concluded that Libertarianz would eliminate all tax-victim funding for Radio New Zealand and privatise it as soon as possible "so that those like Mr. Maharey, who see value in Radio New Zealand, can put their OWN money where their mouths are - and pay for it themselves."
Scott Wilson Libertarianz Spokesman on Deregulation of Broadcasting Ph (04) 934 3854

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