Stop War By Ending Capitalism!

Published: Thu 1 May 2003 09:34 AM
Stop War By Ending Capitalism!
Mayday Mayhem Masquerade March, Freedom Shop, 272 Cuba Street, Wellington. Time: Midday
Date: Thursday 1st May 2003
Mayday Mayhem Masquerade March is the theme of this year's Mayday. A diverse group of people are expected to participate in a colourful street party starting at 12pm in Upper Cuba Street, outside the Freedom Shop.
The day will be a celebration to of our resistance to global capital and war. With costumes, music, free food and festivities, the day progresses with a march towards Civic Square (arriving at 2pm). The march will then proceed from Civic Square with demonstrations at a number of undisclosed locations.
Mayday began in 1886 when there were massive industrial strikes across the US. During the strikes six workers were killed, and four innocent men, known as the Haymarket Martyrs, were hanged. Since this time worker's across the world have united in solidarity to celebrate May 1st as International Workers Day. This tradition continues today with anti- globalisation actions worldwide which expose the links between global capital, exploitation and oppression of people and the environment.
The focus of the day is to draw attention to the industries that are benefiting directly from the War on Iraq and the hypocrisy of the nations, governments and corporations waging it. As well as this the spirit will be one of general opposition to all forms of corporate exploitation and global dominance
Our purpose is to make as much noise and be as colourful as possible, so bring pots, pans and put on your best britches. This is our celebration for all the workers of the world. It is a time to unite our voices against the continuing injustice we suffer under capitalism.

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