Alliance condemns McDonald's homophobic stand
Alliance Party condemns McDonald's homophobic stand.
"McDonalds has shown themselves to be the true moral conservatives that they are," said Sam Huggard, Alliance party Youth Affairs spokesperson.
"The decision by some McDonalds franchises to ban the April edition of free youth magazine Tearaway because it has an article on sexuality is ill informed and narrow-minded. Young people have a right to access resources about sexuality and safer sex that reflect the diversity that exists in New Zealand's youth population."
"The Alliance believes that young people should be given access to a wide source of information to help them make informed choices about their lives. It's a pity McDonald's does not share this faith in young people."
"I applaud Tearaway for publishing the article. They have acknowledged the diversity in New Zealand's youth population that McDonalds has refused to do," said Sam Huggard.