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Peace Movement: What’s On Where Listings

Updated 27 February 2003


National - what's on where listings


* Emergency response vigil details * with the impending new war against the people of Iraq, the list of emergency response vigil details will be included in each 'what's on where' e-listing. If you wish to have the emergency response vigil details for your city or town included, please email them to PMA email with the subject heading 'emergency response vigil details'. If you require more information about the emergency response vigils, please contact PMA and we will send you a message which gives some background information about their purpose, and how you can set them up in your area. See local listings for Auckland, Whanganui, Wellington, Christchurch, Greymouth, Timaru and Dunedin below.


~ SAT, 1 March - Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day - the 49th anniversary of the US 'Bravo' nuclear bomb detonation close to the surface of Bikini Atoll. The explosion gouged out a crater 240 feet deep and 6000 feet across, it melted huge quantities of coral, sucked them up and distributed them far and wide across the Pacific. The island of Rongelap (100 miles away) was buried in powdery particles of radioactive fallout to a depth of one and a half inches, and Utirik (300 miles away) was swathed in radioactive mist. The US navy sent ships to evacuate the people of Rongelap and Utirik three days after the explosion. These, and other, Pacific peoples were used as human guinea pigs in an obscene racist experiment. Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day is a day to remember that the arrogant colonialist mindset which allowed, indeed encouraged, the horror mentioned above continues today - the Pacific is still neither nuclear free nor independent. For more information see PMA's NFIP Day 2002 statement

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~ SAT, 8 March - International Women's Day, the theme this year is 'Working in Solidarity: Women, Human Rights and Peace'. For local listings see Auckland below.

~ FRI, 21 March - International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - increasing numbers of New Zealanders have celebrated it over the past five years, first as Race Unity Day and this year as Race Relations Day. The HRC is intending to make Race Relations Day 2003 a day of positive celebration of the contribution of the many different peoples who together make up New Zealand in the 21st century. To order Race Relations Day promotional material or to let us know about your event, please contact Karolin Potter tel (03) 353 0957 email or Julie Watson tel (09) 306 2651 email, or Richard Ngatai tel (04) 471 6747 email Events will be listed at

~ Ongoing - Medical supplies for Iraq - Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa/NZ are once more raising money to buy medical supplies for Iraq. These will be used to support the US-based NGO, LIFE for Relief and Development, mainly in their cancer relief projects, and the Rome-based NGO, Bridge to Baghdad's Sinbad Primary Health Care Clinic in Basra. Cheques can be made out to Quaker Peace and Service and sent to QPS, 7 Moncrieff St., Wellington; credit card donations can be made by email - for more info about that, or about 'Medical supplies for Iraq', please contact Tony Maturin or Sandra Jones tel (04) 389-4715 or email

*** NATIONAL ***

~ Current - Not in Our Name Aotearoa / New Zealand at

~ SAT, 22 March - Families for NonViolence March and Picnic, make a stand for safer homes, communities and a safer world for everyone. For details of a march near you, check out or contact tel (09) 810 9066 email

***** LOCAL *****


* Auckland Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, there will be a rally at 5-30pm at the US Consulate, Citibank Bldg, Customs St East, Central Auckland on the day we hear of the attack. For more information contact Global Peace and Justice Auckland, John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ SAT, 1 March - Palestine/Israel Rally for Peace, supporting peace and justice based on Removal of Israeli Occupation, Right of Return for Refugees, Sharing Jerusalem and Cessation of Jewish only Settlements in occupied Palestine, 2pm to 3pm, Aotea Square, Queen Street. Contact David Wakim tel (09) 520 0201.

~ SUN, 2 March - Nurdin Abdul Rahman, an Acehnese human rights leader and an international expert in the rehabilitation of torture victims, will be the guest at an Indonesia Human Rights Committee shared meal, 6-30pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby (opposite the Mosque) back entrance. For more info contact Maire Leadbeater email or tel (09) 815 9000.

~ MON, 3 March - 'Aceh Overview', from 11am to 1pm in Room 707, Level 7, 58 Symonds St. Organised by the New Zealand Asia Institute, for more info contact Pradeep Kanthan 373-7599 x83723 (please register to reserve a place).

~ MON, 3 March - Nurdin Abdul Rahman, an Acehnese human rights leader and an international expert in the rehabilitation of torture victims, speaks at the Global Peace and Justice Auckland Forum, 7-30pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd. For more info about Nurdin, contact Maire Leadbeater email or tel (09) 815 9000; for more info about the GPJA Forum, contact John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ MON, 3 March - 'Towards an Action Plan for NZ Women', public meeting, 7-30pm, St David's Church Centre, 70 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton. All welcome to have input into developing an Action Plan for NZ Women. Organised by Pacific Women's Watch.

~ FRI, 7 March - Invitation to Breakfast to celebrate International Women's Day, with guest speaker Judge Ida Malosi, first Pacific Island Woman Judge in NZ, 7am to 8-30am, Ellerslie Convention Centre, Ellerslie Racecourse (exit at Greenlane into Greenlane Rd East, at first traffic lights turn right into Ellerslie Racecourse Drive, then follow Ellerslie Convention Centre signs via long drive in to the Convention Centre. Plenty of free parking is available both beside and just beyond the Convention Centre). Tickets are $27 per adult, $20 per college student, all proceeds will go to UNIFEM NZ's Pacific Project. If you are planning on going, please RSVP by Friday, 28 February; to book please mail cheque(s) made out to "UNIFEM NZ" together with a list of names of those attending with their contact phone numbers and also e-mail addresses if applicable to Joan Bielby, UNIFEM Treasurer, PO Box 51085, Pakuranga, Auckland. If receipt(s) required beforehand, please enclose stamped self-addressed envelope. For further info contact Beverley Turner, tel (09) 418 0700 e-mail

~SAT, 8 March - International Women's Day - Say No to the War on Iraq!All around the world on this day women are organising demonstrations against the war and sanctions on Iraq; more than a decade of sanctions have killed an estimated 1.7 million Iraqis; a new invasion will bring more death and devastation. International Women's Day is an occasion to protest against wars of aggression which serve the interests of big corporations but cause untold suffering to ordinary people. It is a day to protest against injustice and inequality - in NZ women are still denied equal pay-women's average wages are just 80 per cent of mens. Equal pay is long overdue! Sole parents, most of whom are women, receive inadequate support and the DPB is well below a living income. The benefit cuts of 1991 caused great hardship and need to be reversed, now. Women and men: take a stand against the war; take a stand for equality and liberation! Rally for speakers at 12 noon, Aotea Square, Queen St, before marching to the US consulate. For more info contact email

~ Every Sunday - Silent Peace Vigil, every Sunday from 9-15am to 9-45am, outside the Quaker Meeting House, 115 Mt Eden Rd. All welcome, for more info tel Friends Centre (09) 630 6834.


~ Every Saturday - silent vigil for peace, 9-15am to 9-45am, outside St James Church. For more info contact tel (07) 868 9914, email


~ Every Wednesday - Peace vigil, a time of silent meditation, from 5pm to 6pm in the Sunken Garden, Marine Parade. Organised by Hawke's Bay Peace Movement, for more info contact Margaret Gwynn, tel (06) 835 2122, email


* Whanganui Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, we will gather at 4-30pm in Majestic Square. For more info contact Peter tel (06) 345 0634 or email


~ SAT, 1 March - Peace for Iraq, Tararua, Information Stall - come along and sign the NZ Peace Pledge, take form letters to send to Ms. Clarke and to the United Nations, other resources available; from 11am to 3pm at New World. For more info contact Tanya, tel (06) 374 7267.

~ MON, 3 March - Peace for Iraq, Tararua, organising meeting, 7pm at Patchworks, 3 Gordon Street; all welcome. For more info contact Tanya, tel (06) 374 7267.


~ TUES, 4 March - Say No to war and YES to peace - gather at 8pm outside St James Church (Woburn Road by the library car park), then proceed peacefully to the US ambassador's residence, 99 Ludlum Crescent, for a candle lit vigi. Bring your own candles, flowers, children, family and friends. For more info contact Ida, email


* Wellington Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, there will be a vigil at 5pm at the Cenotaph on the day we hear of the attack. For more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ THURS, 27 February - Say NO to war and YES to peace - Rally at parliament to coincide with the visit of the European parliament delegation, with speakers including: Gerard Onesta, Vice-President European Parliament and French Euro MP; Lynn Middleton, on behalf of the NZ Council of Trade Unions; Peter Millar, writer and activist from the International Ecumenical Iona Community, Scotland; Jeanette Fitzsimons, Green Party Co-leader; and music from singers/songwriters Tyree Robertson, Don Franks and Robbie Casey; 1pm to 2pm, parliament grounds. For more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ THURS, 27 February - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 1 March - Justice and Peace in the Middle East information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 1 March - GATS Threat Looms Again! The General Agreement on Trade in Services - 'Clothing Industry Jobs at Risk', Robert Reid, Alliance Trade Spokesperson; 'Threat to Education', Stephen Day, NZ Education Institute; 'Health Sector Impacts', Eileen Brown, NZ Nurses Organisation; followed by informal discussion and afternoon tea, 2pm at Crossways, corner Brougham and Elizabeth Streets, Mount Victoria. Organised by Wellington People's Forum, for more info contact Jocelyn email

~ SAT, 1 March - Peace Seat unveiling - the Mayor of Wellington, Kerry Prendergast, will unveil the John Urlich Memorial Peace Seat at the Hiroshima Peace Flame, with speakers including Des Brough of the Peace Council, a representative of the Urlich family and Father Gerry Burns of the Newtown Parish; 2pm in the Lady Norward Rose Garden, Botanic Gardens. The Memorial Seat is in memory of the late John Urlich, long time executive member of Peace Council Aotearoa NZ. For more info contact Barney Richards tel (06) 364 8940.

~ SAT, 1 March - Bridge to Baghdad - an evening of music and drama to raise money for medical supplies for Iraq, including a one woman show 'Murder at the Sydney Opera House'; the beautiful singing of Baccapella, a Wellington accapella group, whose music is soulful, jazzy and fun; and the auction of a painting by Tony Maturin. All money raised will go to the Sinbad Primary Health Care Clinic, funded by the Rome-based NGO Bridge to Baghdad and supported by Quaker Peace and Service. The Clinic is a special place created for children from 0 to five years to take care of malnutrition and diarrhoea; UNICEF reports that "due to sanctions 4,5000 children under the age of five are dying each month from hunger and disease" in Iraq. War can only make an already dire situation much worse for these young children and their mothers. From 7-30pm at the Wesley Methodist Church, Taranaki Street, tickets $10 per person, you can get yours from Real Earth Organic Cafe, Victoria Street, or from the Friends Centre tel (04) 385 4897.

~ THURS, 6 March - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 8 March - Justice and Peace in the Middle East information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ SAT, 8 March - 'Me He Maunga / Like a mountain' - Hinemoana Baker (who performed at the 11 September 2002 anniversary event, see ) with Mabeth Ciurans, percussion / vocals, Jess Chambers, vocals, and Dale Ferris, vocals. One show only on International Women's Day! 3-30pm at AMBA, Blair Street, free entry. A Fringe NZ / Takitoru Production, with the support of the Wellington City Council, presented by shameless ! promotions, for more info contact

~ SUN, 15 March - Alternative Routes Festival - a free event to celebrate the vibrant uniqueness of the upper Cuba Street area without a noisy, stinky, polluting mega dollar 'bypass' cutting straight through it. There will be 3 music stages, one Dub, one Punk, and one World music; street theatre, buskers, stalls, a Kids zone and more; from 10am to 10pm Arthur St, Tonks Ave and Kensington St. Volunteers needed to help make the festival happen, if you can help out or for more info contact Kane Fawcett email

~ Every weekday - St Andrew's on The Terrace is offering a quiet space for anyone to participate in offering ecumenical peace vigil. Everyone is invited to share in a quiet meditative time, offering prayers for peace before going to work; from 8am to 8-30am, Monday - Friday. For more info contact email

~ Every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, presented by Don Franks, Victoria Quade and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you'd like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943.

~ Every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ Every Sunday, 'Peace Report' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ Every Wednesday - Toot For Peace, from 4-30pm to 5-30pm, in front of Happy Apple Backpackers (east edge of town). Bring a sign and a friend, for more info contact Alison tel (03) 528 8864.


~ Every Friday - Peace Talk on Fresh FM (99.4), at approx 7-20am with Matt Lawry and guest. For more info contact email

~ Every Friday - 'NO to War - Toot for Peace Action, 5pm to 6pm on the median strip on Haven Road between Auckland Point School and Trafalgar Centre, Nelson - bring a sign and a friend. For more info contact email


* Greymouth emergency response vigil details * in the event of an invasion of Iraq, there will be a vigil at 5pm at the fountain in front of the District Council Building. For more info contact Paul tel (03) 732 4010 or email

~ SAT, 1 March - Peace in the Park - help decorate the peace tree, bring a message for the people of Iraq; pledges to sign plus a letter to Helen Clarke; the Mayor will be in attendance. From 12 noon to 2pm in Dixon Park, Tainui Street. For more info contact Paul tel (03) 732 4010 or email


~ SAT, 1 March - Peace vigil and march, 12 noon gather at the War Memorial corner Ashley and High Streets, then walk down High St, turn into Percy St and to Victoria Park for the vigil. If cold or wet or both, it will be held in St John's Church, High Street. For more info contact email


* Christchurch emergency response vigil details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, there will be a vigil at 5-30pm in Cathedral Square on the day we hear of the attack. For more info contact email tel (03) 981 2825.

~ SUN, 2 March - March on Harewood - protest against Harewood/Christchurch's Airport use as a US Military Base and its role in the war on Iraq; 2pm, meet at the totem pole outside Christchurch Airport. For more info contact Peace Action Network, tel (03) 981 2825 or email

~ WEDS, 5 March - 'Public services and Free Trade Agreements: making Rogernomics irreversible', with Bill Rosenberg, National President of the Association of University Staff, and researcher for Christchurch-based organisations ARENA, GATT Watchdog and CAFCA on New Zealand's international economic relationships; from 11am to 12 noon, at the WEA, 59 Gloucester Street, $3-50 entry.

~ Every Friday - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 5pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email

~ Every Saturday - Peace vigil, 12-30pm to 1pm at the Chalice in the Square. For more info contact email tel (03) 981 2825.


* Timaru Emergency Response Vigil Details * If the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, there will be an all-night vigil from 5-30pm at St Mary's Church on the day we hear of the attack. For more information, contact Nancy Hammond tel (03)6844608,or email


* Dunedin Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out war on the people in Iraq, there will be an all night vigil from 5pm in the Octagon on the day we hear of the attack. For more info contact tel 021 234 2336 email


If you would like your event for peace or social justice included in these listings, please send the details (including contact details for at least one of the people organising it) to Please put 'for what's on' in the subject heading of your message.

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Peace Movement Aotearoa
the national networking peace organisation
PO Box 9314, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Tel +64 4 382 8129, fax 382 8173 email
PMA website -
Internet Peace Gateway -
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