Feb 15th: Largest Mobilisation in Planet's History
Feb 15th - Largest Mobilisation of People in the History of the Planet.
New Zealand will lead the largest mobilisation of human beings in the history of the planet when the No War Against Iraq march takes place in Auckland this coming Saturday (12noon from QEII Square at the bottom of Queen Street).
Across Europe and America and around the world people are joining hands on February 15th to oppose America's plans to invade Iraq. The co-ordinated nature of the protests internationally and the huge numbers expected - particularly in Britain and America - mean that at no other time will more people have ever been mobilised on a single issue.
The quirk of geography that puts New Zealand beside the international dateline means we will be the first to march. See more below…

The focus of the march in Auckland is two-fold.
Firstly to express condemnation of American plans for a "resource war" against Iraq which the World Health Organisation predicts will injure or kill at least 500,000 civilians directly and indirectly.
Secondly we expect the New Zealand government to withdraw our frigate and orion aircraft from the gulf region and actively oppose America's war plans. The current policy of appeasement is deeply offensive to many New Zealanders and amounts to tacit approval of American plans.
The following day Sunday February 15th a
"Peace in the Park" concert has been organised for Potters
Park (Corner of Dominion Roads and Balmoral Road) from 1pm.
Entertainers include Shona Laing and Don McGlashan with
Michele A'Court and Caitlin Smith as