Grey Power angry at Govt's Health and Safety Bill
Grey Power is angry at the governments decision to go
ahead with the changes to the Health and Safety in
employment Amendment Bill.
Grey Power appeared before the select committee on this issue and what affects it would have on volunteers, and although we were given the inference, that any changes would not affect volunteers,this could well be the case , but when this new law is tested then problems, that do appear, could or will have drastic ramifications.
Occupation Safety and Health ( OSH ) are doing their job in accident prevention, but I personally see OSH as a somewhat over regulatory organisation that appear to stifle business rather than assisting business .
ACC was formed to avoid the costly court cases that bogged down the courts in accident cases, ACC should remain at the status quo.
When this new legislation takes place even politicians could be wanting for volunteers to help out over their election campaigns.
From figures supplied by government consultants there are some 60,000 Voluntary organisations and about one million volunteers in New Zealand.
If these volunteers all withdrew their voluntary help then our Country could be brought to its knees.
Power will be again, meeting with the appropriate Ministers
over this issue in the ensuing weeks.