The Lowdown and Dirty Winston Peters

Published: Fri 30 Aug 2002 11:39 AM
Fri, 30 Aug 2002
The Lowdown and Dirty Winston Peters
Libertarianz Spokesman Tim Wikiriwhi says that in speaking against allowing Zimbabwean farmers a bolt-hole here from racist tyrant Robert Mugabe, Winston Peters was not simply displaying the "inhuman bigotry" New Zealanders have come to expect from him, he was also in clear breach of his pre-election campaign promises.
"Everybody knows Winston is a xenophobia-monger," says Wikiriwhi, his party's spokesman to deregulate Maori affairs, "and everyone knows he is a dishonest opportunist. But he is now setting new records in changing his tune: He campaigned only five weeks ago against giving Maori 'special treatment,' yet no sooner is he sworn back in than he wheels about and bleats that Maori are being disaffected by foreign immigration."
Peters rightly denounced the Maori MPs for representing apartheid, says Wikiriwhi, yet now he is attempting to rally support from these same MPs. "Winston Peters is a political slut," affirms Wikiriwhi, "who will get into bed with anybody if it suits his purpose."
Tim Wikiriwhi Libertarianz Party SpokesMan to Deregulate Maori Affairs. 07 8498323

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