What’s the next “revelation” going to be?

Published: Sun 14 Jul 2002 12:14 AM
Scientists and members of the Life Sciences Network are waiting with baited breath to see what the next big anti-GE "revelation" is going to be during the election campaign.
"We are full of nervous anticipation," says Network Chairman Dr William Rolleston.
"Myth making has been such a strong feature of anti-GM campaigning around the worlds we can't wait to see what collection of innocent facts will be spun up into a scandal of epic proportions only to collapse like a deflated balloon under scientific scrutiny.
"In recent history we've had Corngate, pregnant sows in Iowa, maize in Mexico, Percy Schmeiser and his 1000 acres of windblown GM canola, Dr Elaine Ingham and the end of all plant life, to name but a few.
"It would surprise us if there isn't some dramatic and theatrical announcement, round about Tuesday or Wednesday, telling us the Europeans want New Zealand to stay a quarantined island of food purity for the rest of the world.
"We believe this campaign is being organised by expatriate New Zealanders and is based on anecdote rather than sound consumer research.
"Consumers behave very differently in the supermarket, when confronted with comparative products and the need to balance a household budget, than they do in answer to consumer polls.
"Look out New Zealand, we see the next anti-GE scare coming and it will be about the impacts on our trade.
"We only ask two questions; if Europeans are so worried about GE why have there been nearly 1400 approvals for releases of GE crops and plants into the environment in Europe, and why are there thriving organic and GE agriculture industries co-existing in Europe?" concluded Dr Rolleston.

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