Blame The Fat Jockey Not The Horse: Brash

Published: Tue 9 Jul 2002 11:46 AM
9 July 2002
Dr Don Brash
National List Candidate
“Dr Cullen’s bad policies are like a fat jockey slowing down a race- horse,” National list candidate and former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr Don Brash, said today.
“His policies hurt ordinary, hard-working Kiwis the most because without growth they have no prospects. He is riding on the back of the thousands of small businesses who are the backbone of New Zealand’s future prosperity and he is slowing them down.”
“Already businesses are feeling weighed down by high taxes and compliance costs. People who take the initiative to set up a small business should be encouraged, but they are being taken advantage of under Labour.” Dr Brash said.
“If Labour’s attitude to small business in the last three years is any guide, then New Zealand will never get the growth it needs to deliver decent public health and education services, and higher real incomes.
“It’s like a thoroughbred being ridden by an overweight jockey.”
“It is alarming that Labour are now talking about more taxes – the new health and petrol taxes. They also plan major changes to the Employment Relations Act such as a new bureaucracy to tell business that cafeteria workers and builders should be paid the same.”
“These ideas are just crazy. As an economist, I can’t understand them, so I don’t know how anybody running a small business can be expected to.
“I left the Reserve Bank because I could see my country sliding backwards. It’s why I back Bill English’s polices, which will deliver high levels of sustainable growth for New Zealand.”

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