Governor General Chastised

Published: Thu 20 Jun 2002 03:36 PM
“The Governor-General should be reprimanded for having made policy statements during the lead up to a general election,” stated Party Leader Graham Capill.
Mr Capill was commenting on the Governor-General’s comments about banning smacking in homes because it was child abuse.
“The Governor-General is sadly mistaken if she thinks that discipline is the same as abuse. It is such politically correct nonsense that has lead to confusion on the issue.
“The CHP is convinced that it is the break down of the family that has led to the appalling cases of abuse in recent years. Children are passed from pillar to post, like chattels on the back of a removal truck.
“Interfering with the difficult task of parenting is not the answer. The government should be looking at assisting parents instead of undermining good parents. That the Governor-General took such a political stance, is inappropriate for her office,” Mr Capill concluded.

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