Anti-Sex Bullies Want State To Replace Parents

Published: Thu 20 Jun 2002 03:34 PM
20 June 2002
“Consensual legal sex is not dirty, and the sooner the state gets out of the way of adults filming themselves acting legally, and letting adults decide for themselves and their children what they can see, the better!” declared Libertarianz Spokesman on Free Speech Scott Wilson today.
“The Society for the Promotion of Community Standards (SPCS), which seems to claim inspiration from a ghost, has in recent weeks put out its true agenda. It wants the state to interfere even more with the right of parents over what their children see and is not prepared to accept that the state should not own your body. It believes that depicting legal sexual activity should be banned, imposing its personal distaste for nudity and recreational sex upon everyone, and like many statists, they make protection of children “at all costs” their excuse to bully people who are not initiating force against anyone!"
“Almost everyone that consumes pornography, men and women, lives a relatively normal life, without committing any violent or sexual offences against anyone, much like people who consume bread and read the bible (despite its extensive sections of violence and depictions of illegal sexuality). The fact that many people often find pornography informative in respect of their own sexuality is nothing to be afraid of and certainly no reason to restrict it. Material portraying actors simulating violent crimes should not be limited, as it should be up to the minds of adults to decide what they wish to see. Why do some adults (SPCS) think they know what’s best for others?” Wilson inquired.
“Libertarianz calls on all political parties to come clean as to whether they believe the state or individuals are best placed to decide what publications showing legal activities they or their children can produce or access.”
"The Libertarianz position is clear. If it is legal to perform an activity or to simulate an illegal activity, it should be legal for consenting individuals to film it and distribute it as they see fit" concluded Wilson.
Scott Wilson
Libertarianz Spokesman on Free Speech
Ph (04) 9343854

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