ACT Campaigns For Party Vote Nationwide

Published: Wed 19 Jun 2002 11:55 AM
Wednesday 19 Jun 2002
ACT New Zealand President Catherine Judd announced today that ACT would be asking voters for party votes only, ending speculation that high-profile MP Rodney Hide would contest the seat of Epsom.
"Our polling shows that Rodney Hide could win Epsom. However, it would require a focus of resources and Rodney's time that we believe would better serve the Party applied in a nationwide campaign for party votes, especially now we have a six-week campaign.
"We have discussed the Epsom situation with the National Party leadership. They recognise that Rodney Hide is a formidable and hugely effective campaigner based on his results in Epsom at the last election. We are agreed that the best outcome for ACT is to have Rodney Hide campaigning for the party vote both in Epsom and nationwide. National recognise that it's the party vote that counts for ACT.
"Rodney will be campaigning on crime and justice, a tax cut for every worker and one-law-for-all across the country. ACT has important things to say on these and other issues. We want our best people making our case directly to voters. Labour might want a presidential style campaign, but ACT New Zealand is determined to give them a grass-roots one.
"We recognise the close relationship Rodney Hide has with Epsom, and we also understand the desire of Epsom voters to see Rodney run in the seat. This is demonstrated in the results of a recent survey in the electorate, showing 74 percent of respondents believe Rodney should stand. We will be asking Epsom voters to show their support for Rodney by giving ACT their party vote and allowing him to campaign nationwide" Ms Judd said.

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