Aotearoa Tangata Whenua Maori Elections
“If we forget our past - we are in danger of repeating it”
Kia ora
“Ma te ture ano te ture e aki”
Only the law can be pitched against the law
Te Kooti Rikirangi Turuki
He karanga tenei ki na Hapu me na Whanau o na waka e waru o te whenua o Aotearoa kia hui ki Waitangi ki te whakaroopu I a tatau I raro I te kaupapa kotahitanga hei tuara tohungatanga whakahaere I to tatau whenua.
Calling all respective Hapu (Sub-Tribes) and Whanau (Families) of the eight canoes of Aotearoa to join for the first time ever under Kotahitanga to intelligently negotiate, elect and appoint our rightful, legal and lawful authorative representatives to the legislative council (Upper house) of Aotearoa.
Due to the call by the Prime minister for an early election most political parties are now on the road campaigning and hoping to win the people over and usually through the unhealthy consequences of the colonization process.
How-ever, at the same time, on the same roads and through the same towns will also be the “Tangata Whenua Maori Elections” in which the campaigning have already started and will gather the Hapu representatives & their families to arrive at Waitangi where the elections will be held in July 2002.
During the whole
election period your local talkback Iwi or community radio
stations and other media will keep your general public
informed of any rallies or meetings in your
Noho ora mai
Tu Mai Aotearoa (Standup NZ)
Campaign contact number: 027 2503777
Tikanga Maori Law Society (Inc) of Aotearoa (NZ) Phone: 09
8151023 – 07 3129953 – 025 2493225 – 021