More Input On Prostitution Reform Necessary
6 May 2002
Maxim Institute says extending the report back date for the select committee is necessary to ensure the complex issues raised by the Prostitution Reform Bill are properly addressed.
“There has been growing public concern regarding the intent and effect of the bill. The length of time already taken by the select committee reflects the difficult practical and legal issues, along with the controversial nature of the bill,” say Greg Fleming, Maxim Managing Director.
Mr Fleming, says many people are unaware of the aims and consequences of the bill.
“The bill is about decriminalising the sex industry. It says before the law that soliciting, brothel keeping, living off the earnings of a prostitute and pimping are all OK. What it does is make prostitution a normal business activity, subject only to regulations that control any other business.”
Contrary to statements by proponents of the bill the number of prostitutes and brothels will increase. Evidence from the Australian experience shows that prostitution and associated problems increase in a decriminalised environment.
“If we are concerned about the protection and dignity of women and children in New Zealand then we need to re-think the best legal framework to achieve that. Further consultation is a welcome step to ensure that our legislation prevents the exploitation and suffering of women.”