Clark: Artless Dodger
"Following the revelation that Prime Minister Clark submitted a painting by Lauren Fouhy as her own work to a charity auction and it was subsequently purchased for $1,000, one is left wondering at the possible scale of this 'fraud'," says Libertarianz spokesman for the deregulation of the Arts, Lindsay Mitchell.
"According to Ms Clark, she has decided to stop submitting art works for charity, " Mitchell continues. "This raises the question; If she was in the habit of supplying paintings for charity auctions, how many other Clark 'originals' out there are really worthless fakes? Not only did she cast doubt over the authenticity of her own works but that of the works of other ministers from previous governments who she said had been guilty of the same sort of behaviour."
"This isn't the first Clark clanger to cost investors, " says Mitchell." At the time the Air New Zealand crisis was worsening she advised investors not to sell their shares. Subsequently, share prices plummetted even further."
"The Libertarianz, who are supporters of private charity, are also appalled at the damage she has done to these institutions with her actions and ensuing words. Who will ever buy a painting supposedly by a politician again? And if we are to accept Ms Clark's words that celebrity auctions are 'not to be taken too seriously' then she has effectively knobbled them as worthwhile fundraisers."
"The Prime Minister's artless handling of this incident is typical of her growing arrogance as she rides high in the polls." Mitchell concludes "Clark accepts this deception will have dented her credibility but I suspect she doesn't grasp just how big that dent might be."
It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!