Free Trade Not Government Aid
"Matt Robson's declaration that the government is to raise
government spending on so-called foreign aid to 0.7% of GDP
is an outrage for a government that maintains trade barriers
on products made in poorer countries" exclaimed new
Libertarianz Leader and Tauranga Candidate Russell Watkins
"How dare this government announce that it
believes it has a right to any proportion of the production
of New Zealanders in order to fund anything, let alone to
donate to foreign governments because of some misguided
guilt that poorer countries must be funded compulsorily by
richer ones".
"All foreign aid should be privately funded," says Watkins. "Let international charities raise funds voluntarily and pursue projects in poorer countries because people want them to, not have tax-victim funds confiscated to give to corrupt governments to spend on pet projects" he declared.
"In fact, if helping poorer countries is the goal, then foreign aid (whether compulsory or voluntary) is vastly bettered by free trade, which works for everyone. The best move this government could take would be to end tariffs on imports now. These imports are primarily textiles, clothing and footwear manufactured in Asian and Pacific Island countries. Allowing merchants of those products to compete fairly with New Zealand manufacturers would be of better assistance than any aid, and help boost the New Zealand economy by reducing the costs of those products to consumers."
"Libertarianz would immediately halt all government aid, abolish tariffs on imports and drastically cut taxes to allow New Zealanders who wished to provide overseas aid to do so using their own money" concluded Watkins.
For further information, please contact: Russell Watkins LIBERTARIANZ LEADER LIBERTARIANZ TAURANGA CANDIDATE (09) 543 3136, e-mail: