Correctives: Nunifesto 2002 Policy Release!!!
The Corrective Party would like to offer this section from its forthcoming Nunifesto:
Spanking can be a valuable disciplinary tool if it is administered appropriately. It is essential to always balance firmness with loving sensitivity. Indeed, spanking is not appropriate at every age, and may even be enjoyed by some burly thirty year old executives.
For example, willful disobedience or defiance of authority might warrant corporal punishment. When spankings are not properly managed, they will produce harmful emotional or psychological effects from unsatisfied masochists.
Questions and Answers
There is some controversy over whether spanking should occur with a hand or with some other object, such as a belt or paddle. What do you recommend?
Answer: Whatever. We are SM Nuns, remember.
Do you think you should spank someone for every act of disobedience or defiance?
Answer: Not if they're deliberately acting up to make sure they get one, then it's more fun to refuse.
After I spank someone, they usually want to hug me and use their make up. I don't feel good about that because I need to show my own pleasure. Am I right?
Answer: You'd make a really good SM Novice. Apply to Sister Juvenality, our Novice Mistress.
On what part of the body would you administer a spanking?
Answer: Nubile bottoms in cycle shorts, especially if shameless lycra is worn by pouting, provocative male cycle couriers!!!
How do you feel about corporal punishment and spanking our students?
Answer: Oh yes, particularly if they're cycle couriers over eighteen!!!
You stated earlier that you favor spanking a naughty thirty year old. If I can't spank someone, how can I get their attention?
Answer: Spanking is a form of nonverbal communication!!!
Sister Palpitatia
The Corrective Party: Turning the
(06) 3583609