Labour Government Makes Us Impotent
17 December 2001
labour government makes us impotent
“The recent attempt by Defence Minister Mark Burton in his press release 13/12/01 to justify the demise of the Air Force strike Arm is just shallow spin-doctoring,” says Christian Heritage defence spokesperson, Chris Salt.
“It is tantamount to saying that a lion is better off without teeth and claws because it can put more energy into growing a longer tail. The fact is, without the strike arm the Air Force is merely an appendage for the remaining two services. The Labour Government has removed the most effective weapon in our armoury should we ever be attacked,” says Mr Salt.
“Most New Zealanders take out house insurance even though they never expect or experience a major house fire. Labour has ignored this principle in decommissioning the strike arm.
“The false claim that it was too expensive ignores the fact that air power has, for the last 50 years, been the most effective weapon against an enemy. For a small country it is very cost efficient to put one person in an aircraft, equipped with the right weapon and guidance systems.
“Vast tracts of ocean surround New Zealand and Australia. If we are ever threatened the defence of Australasia will take place on and over those oceans. The Labour government has effectively rendered New Zealand impotent. It will not be able to engage an enemy where it will count. Australia will have to do it for us while we lamely boast about having a well-equipped infantry battalion watching from the beaches.
“Christian Heritage would re-instate the strike arm. Labour has lost sight of the fact that our armed services must be structured to defeat an enemy first, before other considerations, like peacekeeping, are considered,” Mr Salt concluded.