The Green Lantern Wants You! - To Resist GE
Calling all super-heroes! super-citizens! and super-spandex wearers!
Converge on Cuba Mall- Wellington- and resist GE - November 9th - 3pm

Watchout Batman! Genetically modified Mike Moore is going to privatise you!
Bring your propaganda, whistles, your organic mindedness, balloons, bikes, ge-free biscuits, skates, skateboards, your trumbone, stilts, grandma's piano and Come as your favourite super-hero! - Cousin Larry is! [ He'll be the tall lanky guy with the two-foot ZZ-top beard in the wonder woman costume.]
All over the planet GE Free campaigners will be joining the global day of action on November the 9th. Here in Wellington we will also join this fabric of resistance that is rippling around the planet. The fight against Genetic Engineering is part of the huge world-wide civil rights movement against the corporate empire. Corporate power is now trying to take possession of life and our life support system. This is Frankenstein science - driven and blinded by profit.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has over 130 member countries who agree to adhere to its many heinous rules regulating international trade. The WTO must be shut down because it is unelected, unaccountable and has the power to undermine local laws that protect the environment and labour from exploitation. In 100 cases, the WTO, all decisions by non-elected corporate panels have favoured corporations over labour, corporations over public health and corporations over the environment.
Approximately every other year, the WTO has Ministerial level meetings attended by the highest-ranking trade ministers from each member nation at which new Agreements are sought. The next ministerial will be held in Doha, Qatar from 9 -13 November 2001. Leaders of transnationals corporations, governments and an army of bureaucrats will be coming to Qatar to further their insidious drive for profits and control over life. The WTO will support the right of companies to grow dangerous crops, over the right of people to decide how their land is used. It is vital that those who believe that people are more important companies join together to protest the WTO.
[In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!] - the Green Lantern
Listen to the Voice of the Green Lantern!

Tune in next time when Spidey says: Even Radioactive Superheroes are GE free!