Politicians Lie - Who Goes To Court?
Politicians Lie - Citizens Tell The Truth - Who Goes To Court??
22 October
"It is an intolerable situation that while there are no legal ramificatications for politicians who tell lies to the public - one of our members who has told the truth about politicians who have told lies to the public is being hauled into Court!" said Water Pressure Group Spokesperson Penny Bright.
"If there were Council bylaws that made politicians keep their promises - there would have been no need for the political protest signs at 10 Warnock St Westmere, that the Auckland City Council is now trying to get removed by applying for an injunction in the Auckland District Court.
Heavy-handed Council bullying of citizens who have the guts to tell the truth and stick up for themselves, is totally unacceptable.
No Council bylaw should have the power to interfere with any citizen's right to freedom of expression - a basic democratic right which should be enshrined and protected under our human rights legislation. Both the Council of Civil Liberties and the Human Rights Commission have expressed interest in this case because of the wider human rights implications. It's a lot bigger than a well-known house in Westmere with a lot of signs in their backyard and on their fence!
The Water Pressure Group calls on all those citizens who have had a gutsful of lying politicians and bullying Council staff to support Ike Finau, his family and freedom of expression.
Join us at the picket outside the Auckland District Court (corner of Albert St and Kingston St)at 10.45am till 12 noon Tuesday 23 October.
If you can't make it for whatever reason, but you would like to pass on a message of support to Ike and his family - send it to this address and it will be passed on."
Penny Bright Media Spokesperson Water Pressure Group (Auckland) Ph: 846 9825 (mob) 025 2666 552
(Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please make out cheques to The Water Pressure Group and send to PO Box 19764 Avondale. Thanks! If you've already donated - thanks again!!)