The GE Free Hikoi Needs Your Support
Do you live, or have contacts in towns from Auckland to Wellington ?
The GE-Free Hikoi needs contacts along the way who can come and walk with them as they head south for Wellington. Can you offer to publicise the Hikoi in your local town, with posters and a call to the local paper or can you call up friends/contacts who would want to come and support them by walking with them for a while, or greet them as they stop to get people to sign banners or who can help with food, refreshments on their way.
Because they are on the road and have little cash-funds please be generous with spreading the word, calling friends in towns to invite them to support them, and calling the Hikoi cellphone (or asking your local contacts to call them), as they cannot themselves afford to call out to everywhere.
PLEASE CALL 025 604 5872 or 021 173 3442.
The Hikoi will grow and thrive with your support, or support from friends you know in places on the way to Wellington, and who care about the GE issue enough to get out and support them.
The Hikoi will go through Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, Turangi, Taihape, Palmerston North and Otaki to Wellington.
Kia Kaha
Jon Carapiet
Marcus Graf