Height Restrictions Needed For Immigration Policy
Correctives: Height Restrictions Needed For Immigration Policy
"The Corrective Party wants to propose an interim solution to the Afghan refugee crisis. We praise our Prime Minister for her good sense and compassion, but there do need to be limits. New Zealand must adopt a sizist immigration policy." Sister Palpitatia BD, Spokesnun for the Corrective Party today.
Asked to explain the policy, the Mother Stuporific said: "Look at Australia, cursed because it elected a stunted Prime Minister. One only needs to look at videos like "The Short Agenda" and "Stunted Height/Always Right." And it would have advantages. John Howeird and Pauline Hatemonger would never be able to visit New Zealand. Napoleon was short, Hitler was short, Muldoon was short. And yet our country is prospering because of the lofty heights of our Prime Minister."
"Declare New Zealand a dwarf-free zone now, Ms.Clark!!!"
Contact: Sister Palpitatia BD (06) 3583609