May Day Reminder: Free Trade is Good! Go to Work!

Published: Tue 1 May 2001 09:35 AM
MEDIA ADVISORY: Counter-Street Event
May Day Reminder: Free Trade is Good! Go to Work!
"The May Day misanthropists marching around the country today need to be reminded that free trade is good," says Libertarianz leader Peter Cresswell. He calls on those who understand the value of freedom and free trade to join Libz counter protests against the misanthropists today -- but not before putting in a good day's work first.
"The difference between the misanthropists and free trade supporters is that we have jobs," says Cresswell, "and we value them. Unlike the misanthropists, we understand that freedom and free trade is good, that capitalism is good, and that reality demands that before you can engage in trade you must first have produced something to trade."
"Freedom to produce and to trade is as fundamental to liberty as freedom of speech, and just as important; free minds and free markets are the basis of capitalism. Thus," he says, "we'll be out on the streets in Wellington and Auckland opposing the confused rabble, but we'll be fitting it around our jobs. If you also value capitalism and liberty -- join us! But don't lose a day's work!"
Libertarianz will be on the streets in Wellington at 2:45pm, gathering outside Star Mart in Manner's Mall to counter the great-unwashed who intend to "end corporate domination" by shutting down Star Mart -- sheesh! -- and in Auckland at 5:30pm, gathering at QEII Square to oppose the anti-capitalists there.
It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!
For more information contact:
Peter Cresswell LIBERTARIANZ LEADER Phone: (025) 861 927, Fax: (09) 631 0034 e-mail:

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