Say No To Bunny Bondage
Corrective Party Leader Sister Raptophilia SM has, today, urged MPs to crack down on lewd displays at Easter time:
"In Wellington, I saw a pink rather scruffy looking rabbit with a leather collar and a bullwhip tormenting a Jesus with fake blood involved!!!"
Sister Raptophilia said, “I know many people who want to be able to walk the streets or worship during an Easter holiday and not have to confront strange sado-maso-Christian lapines lashing scantily-clad deities in togas, particularly with children looking on!!!"
“Arguments that this should be seen as an expression of religious liberty are naïve. Religious libertinism is more like it. Well, the Correctives say stop it, stop it!!! Jesus was not into those relationships with small pink rabbits. He wasn't THAT sort of Saviour!!!"
“No one is saying that people cannot dress up like this in their own homes. What people do is their choice It is pathetic to think that some people are suggesting there is such a thing as a ‘right to do public flagellation' just because you think it might convert someone to your practices- although WE wonder what sort!!!.
“The Government should take steps to stop these strange displays of bunny bondage in public!!! Children might start to pierce untoward places, wear strange henna colours in their hair and don fetish outfits!!!”
Sister Raptophilia concluded, “We think this is an express of commercialism. They're obviously trying to get money off that sector of the population that likes watching this sort of thing!!! Just leave me out of it, except on Wednesdays at the foyer of St. Panicka the Chased Hysteric in Petone at 5.37pm for about two hours!!!"
phone Sister Raptophilia SM (06) 3569099-7750