Iraq protests on Tuesday
Wellington / Christchurch / why are we protesting on Tuesday ?
Stop killing the people of Iraq!
On Tuesday, 16 January, you are invited to join the
‘Sanctions Kill Children’, vigil and action against the 10
years of sanctions against the people of Iraq. At 12 noon -
gather and silent vigil; 12-15pm - speakers on the effect of
the sanctions and depleted uranium; followed by open mike
and a delegation to the US embassy, outside the US Embassy,
29 Fitzherbert Tce, Thorndon, Wellington. Organised by
Christchurch Catholic Worker, contact Greg Jones
***CHRISTCHURCH *** Lift the Sanctions on Iraq On
Tuesday, 16 January, you are invited to join the Non-violent
Forum at Cathedral Square against the economic sanctions on
Iraq. From 12 noon to 1pm, in Cathedral Square, contact
details Saad Al-Harran, tel (03) 383 1483. *** WHY ARE WE
PROTESTING ON TUESDAY ? Tuesday 16 January is the 10th
anniversary of the start of the Gulf War, and marks the
tenth year of the bombing, starving and denial of medical
supplies to the people of Iraq by (primarily) the US and
British governments. More than 4,500 Iraqi children die each
month because of the economic sanctions; more than 1 million
people have died in Iraq since 1991. While the European
governments express their concerns about their soldiers who
have been exposed to US and British depleted uranium
ammunition, they appear to have no concern about the people,
particularly in Southern Iraq, who have been exposed to
toxic DU shells from the Gulf War for the past ten years.
This exposure has resulted in massive increases in the
incidence of leukaemia and other cancers. More than 900,000
DU shells were fired during the Gulf War.
If you would
like more information about the current situation in Iraq,
please contact PMA Peace Movement
Aotearoa the national networking peace group
PO Box 9314, Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand. tel +64
4 382 8129, fax 382 8173,