Submissions due: International Treaties Bill
Submissions due: International Treaties Bill
Further to our last alert on the International Treaties Bill, 3 November 2000, the Bill has passed its first reading in parliament and has been sent to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee for consideration. All parties except National voted in favour of the Bill going to Select Committee.
The purpose of the Bill is to ensure that the NZ government will not be able to enter into international treaties without parliament’s approval. This is in part to replace the existing Standing Orders which since 1998 have resulted in some international treaties (not bilateral treaties except at the Minister’s discretion) being ‘referred’ to parliament.
Among other things, the International Treaties Bill 2000 provides for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade to present to parliament the text of draft treaties which are under negotiation - this would assist in preventing the type of secrecy around some international agreements, such as the MAI which the then NZ government could have become a party to without anyone else knowing of its existence.
If you require a copy of the Bill, please contact the PMA office and we can email, fax or post it to you.
Submissions on the Bill can be made to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee. The deadline is 31 March 2001. Twenty copies of your submission should be sent to David Sanders, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee, Bowen House, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. For further information about the submission process you can fax David Sanders on (04) 499 0486.
If you wish to appear before the Committee to speak to your submission, you should indicate that in a covering letter sent with your submission, together with your daytime telephone number.
Peace Movement Aotearoa
the national
networking peace group
PO Box 9314, Wellington,
Aotearoa / New Zealand.
tel +64 4 382 8129, fax 382
Internet Peace