Business Summit Not Doomed...Yet
Well, Helen did make a mess of her little pet business conference. Actually mess is quite a subtle wording of it.
Actually she echoed the very actions of a post world war one Europe that excluded Russia and Germany on the basis that they were 'enemies' the result was another world war years later.
Thankfully the United Nations picked up on this mistake and hopefully given time for Helen Clark's incredibly slow intelligence system to digest the words "get over it" will come to the realisation that you should always listen to your enemies.
But despite Helen's attempts to turn the Business Summit into something resembling the Communist Party 'conference' under Stalin’s rule(which Helen no doubt believes was the best rule). I still see a glimmer of hope for the business conference yet.
Although many key business people have been excluded I don't think Helen Clark will be able to shut up the collective words of business that call for a more flexible Tax policy to encourage growth.
The hope comes if she takes these comments into consideration rather than tossing it away as 'right wing lunacy' and instead reverting to her own unique brand.
Navin Singh NZ Liberation Party Spokesperson for Business Development