Most Family Violence By Pakeha Men
`Most men attending Stopping Violence Programmes are Pakeha,' confirmed Paul Prestidge, Executive Officer of the National Network of Stopping Violence Services. ` Pakeha have accounted for approximately 55%of all programme participants in each of the past four years while Maori have accounted for 28-39%'.
This is consistent with the official statistics that confirm most Protection Orders are taken out to protect women from Pakeha men.
`We need to get beyond the simplistic notion that domestic violence is related to race or culture' said Paul Prestidge, Executive Officer of the National Network of Stopping Violence Services. `We have men from all races and cultures doing stopping Violence programmes. Culture is important is when we look at the ways in which violence is addressed.
The National Network of Stopping Violence Services supports the challenge that Merepeka Raukawa Tait is making to Maori men. However we are concerned that Merepeka's challenge will be used to perpetuate racist stereotypes and that Pakeha abusers will continue to avoid any responsibility for their behaviour.
`We strongly support the establishment of Maori services that are both culturally appropriate, and have the safety of women and children as their priority' concluded Paul Prestidge.