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Strategies for Environmental Gains - ECO Conf.

Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand Inc.

Strategies for
Environmental Gains

25-27 August 2000
Tahuna Beach, Nelson

ECO - NZ’s national network of environmental organisations
P O Box 11057, Wellington, ph/ fax 04 385 7545

email:, website:

ECO’s 2000 conference is focusing on the art of campaigning. We’ll talk about the most effective ways to achieve our environmental goals. There’ll be lots of time for sharing experiences and debating different options for action. The conference is aimed at members of environmental organisations and other citizen groups.
Themes we’ll cover include:
 discussion of power and the impact of political and corporate forces on the environment
 setting the environmental agenda through effective strategies
 practical training on campaigning tools.

 Cyber-activism: Nick Young, NFA
 Getting your message through to politicians: Cath Wallace, ECO
 Campaign research: Nicky Hager
 Strategy design: Pete Lusk, Buller Conservation Group
 Building strong organisations (including democracy within organisations): tbc
 Non-violent direct action: Annette Cotter, Mal Wren, Greenpeace

Case studies
 Beating the Bypass - popular, political and legal pressure: Marty Taylor, Campaign for a Better City
 RMA at the local level: experiences of the Buller Conservation Group: Terry Sumner

Strategic analysis
 Achieving environmental gains using institutions: Derek Shaw, Nelson Environment Centre
 Business approaches to sustainability: lessons from the Target Zero demonstration project: Lesley Stone, Auckland University
 Beyond Seattle: global protest – Mario Rautner, Greenpeace

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Field trips
1. Nelson Recycling Centre and Mapua Contaminated Site
The first stop on this trip is the Nelson Recycling Centre at the Tahunanui Refuse Transfer Station. Willi Borst, Centre Manager, will discuss the background of the operation and some of the trials and tribulations of operating the reuse and recycling centre in the era of 'market forces'.

The second part is a visit to the former Fruitgrowers Chemicals site at Mapua on the edge of the Waimea Inlet. Helen Campbell (Forest and Bird and former Tasman District Councillor) will background the issue and the efforts to clean-up one of the countries most infamous contaminated sites.
2. North Nelson Marine Reserve proposal and marine farming issues.
This trip will involve travelling to the northern end of the Nelson Boulder Bank. During a short walk there will be discussion on the background to the proposed marine reserve and on the implications of the present rush for public coastal space in Tasman Bay and Golden Bay by marine farming interests. Members of the Nelson Tasman Forest and Bird Branch will lead this fieldtrip.

3. Nelson Community Gardens
This will feature a tour of the community gardens and an introduction to the history of Trust formation, its operation and cooperation with Council. Participants will get a chance to see NZ's first public, disabled access compost toilet. There will be discussion on adobe brick (earth) building, composting, and paper recycling, followed by an open forum and question and tea in the teepee. Speakers will include: Peter Kortegast (Gardens Trustee), Stuart Edwards (Gardens Coordinator), Mike Ward (Gardens Chairman, and local Green Party candidate) and Peter Ollorenshaw (architect).

“Saturday night live”
A variety performance will be a chance to unwind and socialise with other participants. As well as featuring mystery guests entertainers, we encourage you to come prepared to join in – bring your guitar, marracas or other musical instruments.
Yummy food and good company
ECO Conferences are an opportunity to recharge your batteries, meet old friends and make new ones. The registration fee covers all meals over the weekend.
Strategies for Environmental Gains ~ Draft Programme
Friday 25 August
3pm-4pm Registration & tea
Successful Campaigns: Swapping Stories
Hear from: Ange Palmer, on the GE campaign; Pete Russell, on West Coast forests
4.15pm-5.30pm The Big Picture: Campaigning in the 21st Century
 Ecology and Ethics – Peter Horsley, Lecturer, Massey University
 Strategies in Changing Times – Diana Shand, Canterbury Regional Councillor
 Beyond Seattle: Global Protest – Mario Rautner, Campaigner, Greenpeace
6pm Round of Introductions
7pm Dinner
8pm Navigating the Political Environment in an Open Society
Tim Barnett Labour, Nick Smith National, Sue Kedgely Green Party, Phillida Bunkle, Alliance
Saturday 26 August
8.30am Registration
9am Using Different Tactics: Business and Behaviour
 Business Models for Promoting Sustainable Development –Mark Prain, Sustainable Cities Trust
 Effecting Change From a Social Science Perspective – Belinda Lawrence, Psychology Department, Victoria University
9.20am Morning tea
10.50am Workshops (Session 1)
12pm Workshops (Session 2)
1pm Lunch
2pm Workshops (Session 3)
3.15pm Field Trips
1. North Nelson Marine Reserve and Marine Farming
2. Nelson Recycling Centre and Mapua Contaminated Site
3. Nelson Community Gardens
7pm Conference dinner
8.30pm Variety concert
Sunday 27 August
9am Combating the ‘Nuclear Possum’: Putting Strategy into Practice – an exercise led by Tricia Allen, Mal Wren Greenpeace
10.30am Where to from here???
11.30am ECO Annual General Meeting (continued after lunch if necessary)
1pm Lunch
2.30pm Close of conference
General Information

Fill in details below if you would be interested in cheap transport to and from Wellington and Christchurch, or if you are seeking or able to offer a lift.

The well equipped Tahuna Beach Holiday Park is spread through a 54 hectares park. The venue is a short walk from the stunning Tahunanui Beach and numerous other attractions. There are a wide range of accommodation options at the Holiday Park. The following three options are being offered if you book through ECO. We will allocate shared rooms unless otherwise informed.
Tahuna Beach Holiday Park options (prices are quoted are GST exclusive):
 Serviced motels (totally self-contained, two bedrooms, blankets & linen provided, tv) - $62 per night
 Tourist cabins (self contained, two bedrooms, blankets provided, hire linen available). $34 per night
 Standard cabins (use shared toilet facilities, single room, bring your own sleeping bags/ blankets) - $22 per night

Alternatively, nearby there is a range of accommodation available, from backpackers to 3*** hotels. Contact the Nelson Visitor Centre for more information: ph 03 548 2304, email:

Catering included
Breakfast, lunch, teas and dinners are included in the registration fee.

Closed sessions
ECO reserves the right to close particular sessions to media and/ or private sector representatives.

Registration Form
Name: Phone

Address: Fax

I am a (please ): Friend of ECO  Member of an ECO member group 
Member group:
I wish to become a Friend of ECO (sub. $35 or $20 student - conference discount applies) 
I can offer or need a lift from:
I am interested in cheap return transport from (please circle): Christchurch or Wellington
Food and other requirements
I require: vegetarian food  vegan food  Other requirements:
Accommodation single per night # of nights shared per night # of nights
Standard cabins $22 $11
Tourist cabins $34 $17
Serviced motels $62 $31
Early bird registration fee (by 1 August) Standard registration fee (by 21 August)
member non-member member non-member
Full $135 $180 $165 $210
Unwaged $70 $130 $80 $155
Student $50 $80 $60 $90
Enclosed (Please make cheques payable to ECO)
Registration fee $
Accommodation $
Donation $
Friend of ECO subscription $
Visa /Mastercard Payment
Expiry date Visa  Mastercard 
Cardholder name
    

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