Exploitation of Breast Cancer Issue Reprehensible
ALRANZ: Anti-Abortionist Exploitation of Breast Cancer Issue Reprehensible
"It is fortunate that no New Zealand media picked up the story about an alleged "abortion and breast cancer"
link that has appeared in British and Australian outlets. It appears that the source was a flawed article that relied on anti-abortion oncologist Joel Brind, who has close connections to the US National Right to Life Committee, their version of SPUC." said ALRANZ Research Officer Craig Young today.
"The (UK) Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have been misrepresented in this sorry business. This leading international medical organisation has said that evidence is inconclusive, and that many studies have not established this relationship."
Indeed, our own Cancer Society noted this in a submission to the Ministry of Health on their abandoned abortion booklet two years ago.ALRANZ commends New Zealand media for their responsible approach to this issue." concluded Mr Young.