Import News: Importers Support Fijian Sanctions
Import News from the Importers Institute
16 July 2000 - Importers Support Fijian Sanctions
Press Release from the
Importers Institute
For immediate release
Exactly one month ago, the Importers Institute opposed the CTU's call for a boycott of trade with Fiji. We've now changed our minds.
Last month the Institute said it supported the Government's decision to concentrate on "smart" sanctions. Institute secretary Daniel Silva said this was because of concern over how trade sanctions would hurt the very group of Fijians that Speight wanted to disenfranchise.
"However, the Fijian military has now capitulated to the terrorists, provided them with immunity from prosecution and will probably install some of them in the illegitimate government," Silva said today.
"The military's failure to carry out its duty and its cowardice will turn Fiji into the Haiti of the South Pacific.
"The sad reality is that the Indo-Fijians who, in the main, own and operate the clothing factories that employ 11,000 people will have no realistic option but to abandon their investments.
"Compared to the reality they face now, sanctions can't hurt. But they will send a powerful message to the Fijian 'government'."
The Importers Institute has told Minister of Foreign Affairs Phil Goff it will support any Government decision to impose trade sanctions against Fiji.
For further information or comment, contact Daniel Silva, Tel 021 877 015
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