Young Nationals Welcome Wilson’s Reality Check

Published: Wed 24 May 2000 05:29 PM
“Yesterday’s decision to refer the sweeping changes introduced by way of Supplementary Order Paper (SOP) to the Matrimonial Property Amendment Bill to select committee is a victory for democracy,” said Young Nationals Chair Daniel Gordon.
“Young Nationals have for some time held a firm policy on the advancement of equal legal rights for same sex couples. The present law is discriminatory, out of touch, and needs to take account for the diverse community we live in.”
“We are firmly of the view that same sex and de facto couples need to have the same rights as other couples, but we are concerned at the 'one size fits all' nature of Wilsons Bill. We believe that consideration has to be given to the unique characteristics of different relationships - should a 5 year defacto relationship be covered by the same legislation as a 25 year marriage? We support the advancement of equal rights for same sex couples, but we do not support bad law,” said Daniel Gordon.
“We are pleased we now have an opportunity to make a submission on the proposed changes.”
“Parliament should be congratulated for reigning in Margaret Wilson's attempt to rush such important legislation through the House. It appears Labour is beginning to learn that New Zealanders object to being told, without consultation, what is best for them.”
“Young Nationals look forward to developing a submission on this topic and hope that the Government is beginning to realise that a democracy is more than just an election every three years,” continued Mr Gordon.
Daniel Gordon also congratulated National leader Jenny Shipley, who has consistently been honest about where she stands.
“It is unfortunate that one or two Labour MPs have recently tried to paint Jenny Shipley as 'anti-gay' simply because she has questioned whether Labour's high-handed approach to law making is sound, or that the Bill will make good law. This is nothing but a pathetic attempt to gain mileage out of an important issue and is cheap and offensive.”
“We believe Jenny Shipley has done more to advance this issue than any other MP, given she commissioned the Justice Ministry Discussion Paper and has spoken out on the flaws in Labours "one size fits all" Bill.”
“We will be lobbying MPs to support good law - and to support positive change that ensures equal rights for all couples in ongoing relationships,” concluded Mr Gordon.

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