Celebration...but disappointment at compromise
Celebration, but disappointment at unnecessary compromise
Native Forest Action
Media Release 15 May 2000
Celebration at conservation achievement, disappointment at unnecessary compromise
Today's decision on Timberlands' native logging is an enormous conservation achievement that many New Zealanders have hoped for and worked for for years, says Dean Baigent-Mercer of Native Forest Action. He said that, despite sadness over two more year's rimu logging, the public campaign had achieved permanent protection of huge areas of outstanding native forest on the West Coast.
"Our campaign has been 98% successful in what we set out to do," Mr Baigent-Mercer said. "All the members of the public and politicians who contributed to the campaign can take credit for this historic conclusion of West Coast native logging."
"Native Forest Action is now turning its attention to persuading the government to get the loggers out of the priceless forests of Okarito and Saltwater now, rather than these being the forests sacrificed during the next two years for rimu timber."
However, the group is not impressed by the attempts of some Ministers to undermine the conservation policy. "We are disappointed that Michael Cullen and Jim Anderton's determined push for ongoing logging has resulted in unnecessary felling in high conservation forests. Every rimu that falls for next two years will have Michael Cullen's and Jim Anderton's names on."
Contact: Dean Baigent-Mercer 04-383-5168