National Policy Statement Needed on Biodiversity
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society
PO Box 631,
Media Release - Wellington - 10 March
Biodiversity National Policy Statement Needed
The Forest and Bird Protection Society said today the Government should commit to a timetable for the development of a national policy statement to protect biodiversity under the Resource Management Act.
Society spokesperson, Barry Weeber, said the Resource Management Act was the key tool used to protect and conserve New Zealand's unique biodiversity on private land.
"Forest and Bird believes conservation can be achieved on private land through extra funding for the Nature Heritage Fund and Nga Whenua Rahui, and through a national policy statement on biodiversity."
Mr Weeber said the proposals for national accords were a non-starter. "They are unlikely to be successful and would divert the focus away from the need for a national policy statement under the Resource Management Act."
"Regional and district councils have struggled with the absence of national direction and a coherent policy on protecting biodiversity."
Mr Weeber said the Society hoped that the Biodiversity Strategy to be released later this month will set out that coherent policy.
"A national policy statement is well overdue to assist in the protection of the habitat of kiwi and other threatened species."
For further information contact: (04)385-7374 or (025)622-7369.
Barry Weeber Senior Researcher Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society PO Box 631 Wellington New Zealand Phone 64-4-385-7374 Fax 64-4-385-7373