Greens investigating internet link
16 November 1999
Greens investigating internet link
The Green Party expressed disappointment today that an unauthorised link about sabotage was added to its youth branch website.
"Publicity about this is more about the marginal seat of Coromandel than about websites," Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said today.
The Wild Greens, the youth branch of the Green Party in the same way that the Young Nats are the youth wing of the National Party has a distinct web page in the Green Party webserver.
All material on the Wild Greens' site is supposed to be cleared with the Green Party.
"An unauthorized link has now been removed from the Wild Greens' website. We are investigating how it came to be there in the first place," said Ms Fitzsimons.
"I regret this link. I had no knowledge of it until interviewed by a reporter today."
Links from the Wild Greens' page, authorised or not, do not imply Green Party endorsement, she said. Nor are Wild Greens' policies necessarily endorsed by the Green Party.
"We are not expecting Prime Minister Jenny Shipley to announce cannabis will be legalised, when she is in Coromandel tomorrow, even though this is Young National's policy," Ms Fitzsimons said.
Jeanette Fitzsimons MP 025 586068, 07 8686641 Paul Bensemann, Press Secretary 021 214 2665