Tyred Government
The regulatory shambles surrounding a potentially significant new tyre product makes a mockery out of the Government's stated intention to remove obstacles to innovation, according to Labour's industry development and energy spokesperson Pete Hodgson.
"A company called Tyre Seal has been seeking a New Zealand Standard for nearly six years, during which time their tyre sealant product has been launched in Australia and throughout Europe.
"This product claims to improve the life of tyres and reduce fuel consumption. It complies with European regulations and approval was granted in under a month. Yet in New Zealand the delay and the expense has produced nothing.
"It would seem that at least part of the problem is that the Government allows the tyre industry not only to make a legitimate input into the standards approval process but also to effectively delay or block progress.
"In that sense the issue resembles the H1 building code for homes, where cost-effective energy efficiency is being blocked by those with an interest in non-complying solid wall house building.
"Far from being the innovative doyen of the freemarket, this Government is imprisoned both by the interests of the status quo and by its own tiredness."