Tax Cuts, But For Who?
Mauri Pacific Leader Tau Henare today put a dampener on National's proposed tax cuts post election.
Mr Henare said he would support cutting the corporate tax rate. But doing the same to the top personal tax rate could not be justified.
"Cutting corporate tax makes sense - it's about job growth - and the ones doing that are businesses," he said.
"But I have serious problems with cutting the top personal tax rate - the same problem I had when National proposed it as an election sweetener earlier this year. I didn't support it then and I wouldn't support it again if it came before me.
"The point about the cutting the top tax rate is that it's lining the pockets of people who have money, not the have nots.
"If there's going to be cuts to personal tax it needs to be at the other end of the scale, for the low income, not the upper end " said Mr Henare.