Labour’s Coercive ‘Un’employment Policy
“Labour’s so-called employment policy would boost unemployment not job growth,” Enterprise and Commerce Minister, Max Bradford says.
“Labour’s apprenticeship initiatives, which are part of its employment policy released today, would add costs to employers. As we all know, higher business costs mean less jobs.
“Having to send your staff away to train, whether they need it or not, is expensive, especially if it isn’t even appropriate for the job.
“Employers would also be hit by an Industry Training Organisation administration levy.
“Labour said in July it wants to reduce the number of ITOs, force them to merge and reduce the diversity of training.
“But the current system is a resounding success. Since 1993 the numbers in industry training had trebled to almost 50,000 trainees,” Mr Bradford said.
“Labour’s policy should however, result in growth for one sector and that is the bureaucracy.
“Labour’s employment policy would mean yet another ministry to add to the 157 ministries already promised.
“The whole thing reeks of an expensive,
coercive, bureaucratic nightmare,” Mr Bradford