Prebble Vindicated by Incis Report
ACT Leader Richard Prebble today said he personally feels vindicated by the findings of the Incis report.
“The report findings are a classic; any competent Minister should have been able to see Incis was doomed to failure. As the previous Minister of Police, I rejected the Incis proposal. I turned it down with no hesitation, because I could see the project could in no way achieve its objectives and it wasn’t difficult to make that prediction.
“The Incis report findings also shows the failure of treasury, they too should have had the foresight to see the project would have failed.
“This type of Government waste and mismanagement of taxpayers hard earned money is disgraceful. If company directors spent shareholders money with such lack of accountability they would probably be sued.
“It’s no wonder morale in Police is low. They are battling with limited resources while Government and Police hierarchy have blown $100 million dollars on a computer that doesn’t work,” said Hon Richard Prebble.