Labour & National's Meddling Blow To Kiwi Music
Labour and National's meddling with the radio industry has today seen Kiwi music dealt a huge blow with the decision of one the country's largest commercial radio networks to withdraw their support from the New Zealand Music Action Group.
The Radioworks has this morning announced they are pulling their support in protest at the meddling of Labour, National and the Alliance in the New Zealand Radio Industry.
ACT Broadcasting Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today said New Zealand had one of the most innovative and competitive radio industries in the world. "ACT knows that the worst thing we could do to that industry is allow the politicians of National, Labour or the Alliance to stuff it up with their 'feel good' meddling.
"ACT wants to support our radio and music industries by cutting the burden of government red tape, compliance costs and tax. We want to make sure they are thriving so they can create jobs for young people wanting to start their careers in music or radio.
"Labour and National's bidding war to get a few votes from the music industry is putting the whole commercial radio industry and the New Zealand music industry at risk.
"The release of both Labour and National's policies are a real kick in the guts for the radio industry. The rush of those major parties to put political expediency ahead of good government is putting 1,500 jobs at risk and a $170 million industry.
"It is also cutting co-operation between the radio music industries to promote Kiwi music as we have seen today with The RadioWorks withdrawal from Kiwi-mag.
"The Government's own reports show that the Youth Radio Network would harm existing stations. Labour and the Alliance have also seen these reports and yet all choose to ignore them in the hope of winning a few votes. Even worse, Labour and the Alliance want to impose quota's on the industry.
"The commercial stations have worked incredibly hard to establish themselves and their market share since Richard Prebble deregulated the industry in 1988. In doing so they have created jobs and boosted the economy. It is inconceivable that politicians are now trying to control these broadcasters and their businesses.
"Labour, National and the Alliance want to tip the playing field. In doing so they have shown utter contempt for the hard work and excellence of stations like Mai FM who have, through their own talent and commitment, become the number one music station in the extremely tough Auckland market.
"Labour and National have to wake up and realise that it is the listeners of these radio stations that determine their success, and the success of the artists on their play lists. Radio consumers have the choice and that is they way it should stay. If they don't like a station or the music played on it they can vote with their dials. Who wants Marion Hobbs, Jenny Shipley or Jim Anderton deciding what they have to listen to on the radio?," said Dr Muriel Newman.