Labour calls for urgent change to ACC law
Thousands of injured people will miss out on ACC cover unless the Government moves immediately to amend the law, Labour ACC spokesperson Ruth Dyson warned today.
"The Minister of ACC Murray McCully changed the definition of personal injury by accident, and now a District Court ruling has declared that non-impact injuries are not covered by ACC.
"This is a dramatic change in the way the definition has been interpreted over many years.
"It will encourage people to lie about the cause of their injury, or risk not being covered.
"Already serious anomalies are arising," Ruth Dyson said.
"A farmer strained his neck when he jerked his head suddenly to avoid being kicked by a cow. He's been denied ACC cover because there was no external force. If the cow had kicked him, he would be covered.
"There will be many similar instances of unfair exclusion. If you hurt your back bending to pick something up, you won't be covered - but you will get ACC if the back strain occurs when standing up again with the object in your grasp.
"A rugby player hurt in a tackle will be covered - but what if they pull a hamstring while sprinting for the goalline?
"Labour extends its support to the Government for a small amendment to ACC legislation to be passed in the last week of Parliament," Ruth Dyson said.
"The original intention of the law must be restored."